Stupid IDIOT
I wonder on whose behalf this clown is acting 

I wonder on whose behalf this clown is acting
Well, 48% voted to stay in the EU. If we can't have that, then this is the next best thing, a soft brexit that keeps us aligned so that trade and services don't suffer, maintains high regulatory standards, keeps visa-free travel, allows EU citizens already here to stay, puts only limited barriers up to getting work-visas, looks like it won't harm our higher education institutions and prevents a hard border in Ireland. TAll in all the financial shock out of that won't be too hard too soon, so to be honest its a pretty decent deal she's got.
So, if we absolutely have to leave, the vast majority of the 48% will support this, and there'll be enough Leavers that will support it too. So yes, I reckon the majority would support it, perhaps by a two-thirds margin, perhaps more?
It delivers what the fishermen and farmers want; it puts an end to free movement for work so only the more radical anti-immigration crowd will dislike that those already here can stay; and we will no longer be paying into the EU budget so those that want their extra 350m a week into the NHS can keep on trying to get that. That answers the concerns of many of the people who voted leave.
there are still some problems of course, and its still not as good a deal as staying in, but it can just about be lived with. But I'm tempted to support it being voted down in parliament because that's almost certain to lead to Peoples Vote and staying in.
I suspect the majority of the people in the country would actually accept the deal, especially businesses. Glad to get it over. move on.
Unfortunately democracy in this country doesn't work like that. We are left with a bunch of cretins in parliament patronising everybody with what THEY believe was voted for on either side.
As normal human beings we are quite happy to deal with compromise, politicians on the other hand in a mythical land where they promise everything, fail on most and **** off to a job in the city afterwards.
I wonder on whose behalf this clown is acting
I don't want a deal, I want out and completely out. If that doesn't happen then forget it
I wonder on whose behalf this clown is acting
Are't you the fella that posted that the Lib Debs would win the next GE shortly after the referendum, welcome back deeerrrrr ....
Apparently not. A majority of Leavers and Remainers believe it doesn't respect the referendum result. (Usual caveats apply - only one poll, depends on question etc)
What do you think though, an indefinite period of actual relinquishment of sovereignty rather than a pooled sovereignty must be quite a kick in the nuts for you?
Spot on, exactly how I feel. The idea that we can go back to the EU and change it now is just fantasy. Time to start using political energy on other issues
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Apparently not. A majority of Leavers and Remainers believe it doesn't respect the referendum result. (Usual caveats apply - only one poll, depends on question etc)
That poll has been quoted all over the place and really it can mean anything you want it to mean, depending how you divvy up the 16% dont knows and the 28% remain (which isn't currently on the table)
Two and a half years is a long time in politics..... except when it comes to Brexit, where the brexiteers and Tories seem to be incapable of leading us to their promised land. They have proved incapable of sorting this out, so leave it to the people to vote on the three options if they can’t decide themselves
eating you up isn't itI wonder on whose behalf this clown is acting
as I keep saying there's no need, that was decided in the referendum vote , , leave means leave not keeping one foot in the door and that 's what TM's plan incurs therefore she needs to be removed from office and we get out of the EU completelyMay's Deal is bollocks because we'll be taking EU rules without a seat at the table.
That might be acceptable for a country in the Arctic Circle miles from anywhere selling wood and fish but we are a 65 million population top ten global economy with diverse industry just 29 miles from Calais.
The sooner we get a People's Vote the better.
Yes, I mentioned the usual caveats Just posted it on here as many people seemed to be assuming there was widespread support for the deal. Saying that it shows there is little support for the draft deal when people are given options that are still theoretically possible and a clear majority believe the draft doesnt respect the referendum result. A Survation poll found similar resuts 27% said they supported it, 49% were opposed.
But again you are just another poster that seemed confidently resigned to the initial referendum, not a peep about the integrity of the vote when you expected to win, suddenly after the result you were already contemplating how we might Remain in the EU, so whilst you offer current reasons for a Peoples Vote as if this would be a personal credible aspiration, what exactly made you think it reasonable to hope for a way to overturn the result less than 24 hours after the first one ?
Hampster Gull
25th June 2018
# 10706
If an election is held before we exit or invoke our exit and a government is elected on a mandate to stay in the eu then, well, we will stay in the eu.
May's Deal is bollocks because we'll be taking EU rules without a seat at the table.
That might be acceptable for a country in the Arctic Circle miles from anywhere selling wood and fish but we are a 65 million population top ten global economy with diverse industry just 29 miles from Calais.
The sooner we get a People's Vote the better.