We wunt be druv
Sign of desperation playing the man not the ball and it's getting rather tedious that you keep doing it.
More a sign of inebriation. I can only apologise for being very, very drunk.
Arguably a bit of a low blow as well.
But no doubt the class warrior Momentum lover sees it as the new friendlier face of politics that Jeremy was promoting.And Brexit related as well in his special hate filled warped version of not understanding people voted to Leave from all political persuasions, not just Tories.
I'm not a Momentum lover. Just because I am knocking about with a girl who's in Momentum, I'm afraid I'm far too much of a cold-hearted ******d to be in love, so we'll nip that vicious rumour in the bud right now. I can only judge the others in Momentum based on those I've met and they're a perfectly nice lot though. How many have you met or know personally?
Class warrior accusation though - Guilty and proud. Funny how it's always little posh boys like you who mention it though. I'm afraid as the alcoholic carnage that is Christmas and New Year takes hold, I've got a works p*ss up in London tomorrow late afternoon/evening.................A busy Hastings train back on 'Mad Friday' night, all those posh commuters going back to places like Sevenoaks and Wadhurst, and me with my reputation.......................
Ah "whatever", the usual clamp school of response when you realise you have been a bit dim.
View on Green? Not really, well not with regards to Brexit anyway.
After an inquiry he was found to have made inaccurate and misleading statements over what he knew about claims pornography was found on his office computer in 2008. This broke the ministerial code and because of it he has been asked to resign.
If you break the code you should resign, I agree with him having to go.
I am more interested in your desperation to link his actions as Brexit related on the Brexit thread, surely there are numerous treads you could mention your interest of Mr Green on, wasn’t there a thread on him? You are coming across as rather desperate and purely focused on your hatred of the tories to the detriment of reasoned argument of Leaving the EU………is your position drink related again?
As an aside you do know labelling someone Conservative and Unionist isnt an insult dont you? You use it in a manner as if it is. You can just say Tory, works exactly the same.
Was my position drink related last night? I've really no idea I'm afraid - I can't remember, so I think it's safe to assume it was. Thanks for taking the time and trouble to respond to it all though at 0621 in the morning - you really shouldn't have.
Compliments of the season though.