The problem with this thread is that we are irrevocably leaving the EU and some of you just dont get it, each step isnt to remain but to leave and therefore each step will never find favour with any avid Remainers political position, your 'bumbling' might be a Brexiteers 'standing firm', your hapless might be my 'determined' and so on, its nearly become a pointless exercise, ultimately the process of leaving is owned by us the Brexiteers and it hurts you.
This kind of post shows exactly why Brextiers were wrong. They actively laugh and enjoy the pain of those who disagree with them, rather than look more closely at why people disagree. The really stupid part is that they are likely to be some of those most disadvantaged by Brexit as they are the least prepared for its consequences as they do their see, hear and speak no evil routine over and over again for the umpteenth time.