Pounds looking good though if your of to America. Euro has rise again as well
Compared to when? Compare now to, well I don't know, June 20th 2016?
Pounds looking good though if your of to America. Euro has rise again as well
He really is hilarious isn't he. Thank goodness for all those US tourists keeping our magnificent economy riding high!
He's got such an agenda. He wants to be the next Trump.
Of course, he's a total liar. You don't get this balanced news from the BBC? Sorry Nige. 11 days ago the BBC were sharing this...
Oh dear? A balanced BBC. Why wouldn't Nigel share that with me? Because he is a LIAR and you can't trust one word that comes out of his mouth!
Was the fastest growing economy in the EU not so many months ago.....what's new as these things happenTake your rose coloured Brexit spec's off
Slowest performing economy in the EU and the G7 so far this year. Thankfully those pesky foreigners are visiting our shores and buying our goods in Europe, so its not quite disaster yet
Why brand Farage a liar when he is stating a fact. Your link is the one and only time that i have ever come to hear the British Bullshit Company mention this. Who's the liar ??.
Wasn't it the BBC along with their masters who have always maintained that Brexit spells doom.
Folk like you care nothing for this country and will prioritize hopes of Brexit becoming a failure foremost . Get over it.
It's a complete domination by Germany and France with the bellends in Brussels doing most of the talking.Its just an organisation that's got too much power and too much control and it's either their way or no way.Influence? The only influence within the EU is from Germany. They get whatever they want.
He hates the balance of the Beeb which is world renowned, little surprise you will regularly see him on Fox News, the kinda of gutter press where he is at home
This has been your line for a few weeks, with the EU running a surplus of some £60bn with the UK and Germany with £30bn alone I am trying to work out why you sneeringly expect that to be irrelevant.
Take your rose coloured Brexit spec's off
Slowest performing economy in the EU and the G7 so far this year. Thankfully those pesky foreigners are visiting our shores and buying our goods in Europe, so its not quite disaster yet
Lol. Just because politicians lied doesn't mean I did. People argued pound was over valued when it was at lower rates than usual vs dollar and euro. Go on holiday to Ibiza and come back and say the pound has not tanked.
Have you read nothing from legal experts who have explained what WTO terms actually means? You should.
I don't need to read it again. You argued that the past referendum on this highly complex issue should have happened but that a future referendum on the same issue, even when the implications have since become clear, most definitely should not happen. This is known as pulling up the drawbridge.
I understand completely why a Leave voter, excited and perhaps astonished that they got away with it on June 23, should not want to run the risk again. Don't blame you at all. I'd do the same. But don't be surprised if people point out the inconsistency.
Who said you did? Yes, the pound has fallen by a significant amount which according to those experts was likely to happen at some point.
How do you know we are leaving on WTO terms?
No, no. I just find your MO a bit desperate. Rather than have a look at the thread and see if you can add anything interesting or relevant you trawl through the last 24 hours and write insulting angry responses to every Remainer on here. I just think there's better ways to wake up of a morning. Must be exhausting.
I look forward to your early morning review tomorrow!
The headline from the Express 'Brexit U-turn: Billionaire Bill Gates now thinks that the UK can THRIVE outside the EU'
The two lines from Bill Gates that caused this headline
Bill Gates, 61, has said that Britain can remain a world-leading science and technology hub if it maintains investment in research and development.
He told The Daily Telegraph that he thinks Britain’s scientific research could continue.
The lines from Gates that obviously had no effect on the headline
The Microsoft founder said before the referendum that a vote to leave the European Union would make Britain “significantly less attractive place to do business and invest” and could jeopardise Britain’s science community.
He said in a letter to The Times that Britain would be “stronger, more prosperous and more influential” inside the EU.
Mr Gates said his philanthropic foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, invested in the UK because of Britain’s access to the Single Market.
He said: “While ultimately a matter for the British people to decide, it is clear to me that if Britain chooses to be outside of Europe, it will be a significantly less attractive place to do business and to invest.
“It will be harder to find and recruit the best talent from across the Continent; talent which, in turn, creates jobs for people in the UK.
Maybe you should read more than the headline before posting links![]()
Don't be silly. The UK buys loads and loads of German cars and drinks gallons of Prosecco. Plenty of Brexiteers have told us this. You have them over a barrel so how can it be the EU are making such demands? Tell them where to go.
He hates the balance of the Beeb which is world renowned, little surprise you will regularly see him on Fox News, the kinda of gutter press where he is at home
oh bore off , you and your side kicks sounding sooooooooooooooooooo DESPERATETake your rose coloured Brexit spec's off
Slowest performing economy in the EU and the G7 so far this year. Thankfully those pesky foreigners are visiting our shores and buying our goods in Europe, so its not quite disaster yet
You however seem very confused, on the one hand you are saying referendums should not happen at all on this complex issue and should be left up to parliament yet you want parliament taken out of the loop and want the people to have another go using a mechanism you don’t agree with and which parliament has voted against having again.
Looks like you have broken that Drawbridge.