Not a thing. What have the population done to expect a total disregard for their UK status?
Not a thing. Do you not understand 'Not suggesting NI should be handed over to the ROI, just asking a question'?
Not a thing. What have the population done to expect a total disregard for their UK status?
4 of my friends were remainers but now want out as they are fed up with the moaning from both sides
Yes, but surely you must also know lots of remainers who had lots of elderly relatives who voted leave because they thought all black people would be sent home, but now wish they'd voted remain?
Not a thing. Do you not understand 'Not suggesting NI should be handed over to the ROI, just asking a question'?
Error sadly I don't. I'm sure some exist but a very small minority
I do, I was just asking a question.
Not a thing - that was my answer. What is your answer to, 'What have the Unionists ever done to endear themselves to Labour?'
Incidentally, whilst you're fantasising and obsessing about the Labour Party again, I did see this week that Arthur Scargill had written to the one of the papers and had a letter published, I forget which, saying as an ardent Brexiteer like yourself, that the complexities of the Northern Irish border and Brexit can be easily solved by handing back Northern Ireland to Dublin and shafting the Unionist community there/a price worth paying. I reckon Farage would be game, what about yourself as a patriot? Fair price, or NEVER!
Yes, but surely you must also know lots of remainers who had lots of elderly relatives who voted leave because they thought all black people would be sent home, but now wish they'd voted remain?
Not sure Labour could afford to potentially lose over 4 million voters if Corbyn decided to ignore.the referendum vote,he is many things but undemocratic is not one of them.
76% of the country want less immigration and only 4% want more, your friend is simply fitting in with the vast majority of public thinking.
NO SURRENDER obvs (self-determination/democratic will of the majority in NI). The Unionist community has only one major concern re being shafted and that's from 'principled' politicians who have spent much of their career supporting a United Ireland while cosying up to Republican terrorists.
I knew Thatcher shafted them big time with The Anglo-Irish agreement - they were most unhappy at the time. I saw a documentary a couple of years ago and one of The Irish Government advisers at the time said they could not believe a Conservative and Unionist Prime Minister would do that to The Unionist community, but she did. I knew she had contact with The IRA during the hunger strikes though, but I didn't know she supported a united Ireland. You learn something every day, so thanks for that.![]()
exactly , be patient we're on our wayIt's a load of tosh this "I didn't know what I was voting for"as we had months of campaigning and leaflets from the remain side paid by the tax payer "joke"also Obama over here brainwashing people with his clearly scripted speech...I just want out as this EU is really pissing me off.
We shouldn't pay anything to leave as we've paid enough over the decades.It annoys me even more that we have such a bunch of liberal pussys rolling over and not a backbone between them.
It's no wonder this country is potless all the time as our money is given away in the billions to foreign countries and I never knew that we paid over a billion to the "EU" foreign aid when we already give oueselves around 13 billion...How much more do we pay for random things?
Just get us out of this hideous controlling organisation please!!!!
"Michel Barnier claims Britain needs to be 'educated' over Brexit as war of words with David Davis escalates"
Going well I see.
Sounds like he's going to drag us back to school like truants to teach us about the rules they're making up. That should have a positive outcome.
I have to say I'm am really puzzled why you guys don't just play your they-need-us-more-than-we-need-them-we-buy-loadsa-German-cars-and-Prosecco trump card, see them cave in, and get this over with now. What you waiting for? You could have been out and securing deals with Peru and Albania by now.
I have to say I'm am really puzzled why you guys don't just play your they-need-us-more-than-we-need-them-we-buy-loadsa-German-cars-and-Prosecco trump card, see them cave in, and get this over with now. What you waiting for? You could have been out and securing deals with Peru and Albania by now.