Don't wait for me!
Maybe so, but the truth that the EU is undemocratic and corrupt still stands..that is until you can prove me otherwise.
Guilty until proven innocent you mean?
Maybe so, but the truth that the EU is undemocratic and corrupt still stands..that is until you can prove me otherwise.
As we know Brexit is all about truth.
Guilty until proven innocent you mean?
i know people like to keep harping back to the bus... but it is factually correct, we do send £350m to Eu each week. im well aware there's semantics and nuance to this, but it is a truth.
instead of bring up old political memes, why not address head on the accusations of corruption and undemocratic structure? Shirley its easy to show how both of these are untrue, right? just like the remain camp fought such a strong campaign on the virtues of membership.
What one lie compensates for the countless other lies made by the EU. ok that's alright then..We 'harp back' to the BRIGHT RED bus because it was a headline promise that won Brexit for leavers, and which was a blatant lie they were ever going to do it. It will never be brushed under the carpet.
We 'harp back' to the BRIGHT RED bus because it was a headline promise that won Brexit for leavers, and which was a blatant lie they were ever going to do it. It will never be brushed under the carpet.
Diverting away from the real truth again, truth being the EU is undemocratic and corrupt, can anyone give me any proof it isn't.
"let fund our NHS instead" is a proposition, not a promise. i was never comfortable with it myself, why should only the NHS benefit for one thing, but it makes a snappy slogan. meme are ideas, not defined by being real or unreal but by their persistence and evolution. a bit like the idea that the EU is corrupt and undeomcratic, that appears to go unchallenged.
Sounds like you must be rich
i know people like to keep harping back to the bus... but it is factually correct, we do send £350m to Eu each week. im well aware there's semantics and nuance to this, but it is a truth.
You're as bad as D. Trump with this inaccurate statement. Whether you are unaware of the correct figure or its just a straight forward lie, I will leave with you.
Given that the UK rebate is deducted before we send our money to the EU, the figure for 2016 was £252m the lowest since 2012.
The figure becomes even less if you also deduct the EU spending on supporting projects in the UK. It drops down to £156m.
You may one day come to understand the falsehoods put forward by the Leave team.
You may also want to read the following, where guess what, the experts were right (just slightly late in coming through)
You're as bad as D. Trump with this inaccurate statement. Whether you are unaware of the correct figure or its just a straight forward lie, I will leave with you.
Given that the UK rebate is deducted before we send our money to the EU, the figure for 2016 was £252m the lowest since 2012.
The figure becomes even less if you also deduct the EU spending on supporting projects in the UK. It drops down to £156m.
You may one day come to understand the falsehoods put forward by the Leave team.
You may also want to read the following, where guess what, the experts were right (just slightly late in coming through)
Oh,it's only 156 MILLION POUNDS a week we send to the EU-suppose you think that's a perfectly acceptable amount,do you?Well most of us think it's 156 million too much.That's why we voted to leave.
Oh,it's only 156 MILLION POUNDS a week we send to the EU-suppose you think that's a perfectly acceptable amount,do you?Well most of us think it's 156 million too much.That's why we voted to leave.
Sounds like you must be rich
It's an appalling arrangement whereby we are and have been, higher net contributers to the budget than France and other richer countries due to the cozy relationship between the French and Germans and the ridiculous CAP.So under 3 quid per person membership fee a week to the biggest club in the world which brings many many times that in benefits. Not bad is it.
Think of it like my bank account where I pay 3 quid a month to join a reward scheme and they give me 12 back a month. Should I leave this to save my 3 quid a month?
We will be paying hundreds of millions simply for the pleasure of trading with them after Brexit![]()
That is a poor argument. Although however much i dislike the EU, I am very unhappy with the way Brexit has been dealt with.As someone said to me "Britains Brexit mess is the best advert for the benefits of the EU there is"