Trouble is, Harry, it isn't sufficient - or even useful. While pissing off a few racists might indeed be seen as satisfying in a shallow way, it ain't going to change their minds. Whether or not it is just a token gesture, that's how they will see it; irritating, but ultimately just something to make them more intransigent.
Kick it out, and more rigorous enforcement of the law combined with education is far more relevant and important. Let's be honest - how many players now taking the knee are doing it for fear of being flamed if they don't - not because they're racist (though some of them probably are) but because it has had its day. The comparison with clap for the NHS on a Thursday night is very apposite; itwas a good idea, and made its point very clearly ........ at the time.
I agree that taking the knee has failed becuase it hasn't cured racism. But that isn't the point. I don't think that anything will stop genuine racists being racist. All we can do is shut them up and prosecute where possible. However being repeatedly reminded they are racist and that the rest of us won't accept this is good. The thickies who don't know they are acting racist may start to think, too.
Any player doing it only because they don't want to be flamed deserves to be flamed.
The comparison with clapping the NHS is wrong and, actually, bad. People who work in the NHS choose to do so, they weren't born NHS. They are also all paid to work in the NHS with the majority of the funds coming from our taxes. Clapping the NHS to thank them for continuing to work during Covid, has nothing in common with repeatedly signaling a non-acceptance of racism. If black people choose to be black and are paid to be black on behalf of the nation the analogy may have more traction.
If a club has decided to protest at the lack of meaningful action against racism by supporting their players in refusing to take the knee I find this rather peculiar. Its a bit like Catholics refusing to 'cross' themselves or say grace before a meal as a protest against religious intolerance.