Thunder Bolt
Silly old bat
Has anyone managed to explain how most of east Sussex is still tier 2? Sorry if I've missed it.
I think the hospitals aren’t getting over run.
Has anyone managed to explain how most of east Sussex is still tier 2? Sorry if I've missed it.
I think the hospitals aren’t getting over run.
Porton Down was warning the government of the virus mutation a few weeks ago, but Johnson likes being popular and wanted to be known as ‘saving Christmas’. He left it until the last possible moment, which built up hope. Now many feel very let down.
He shouldn’t have promised anything but said the situation will be monitored.
The virus has mutated numerous times over the last 10 months or so. As far as I'm aware from what I've read, none of the mutations have been significant in any way. I simply can't see how anyone can pin "He knew there was a dangerous new strain some time ago, but ignored it" on Johnson, regardless of how much they dislike him. Nothing Whitty nor Vallance said yesterday gave any credence to any other version of events, other than the potential dangers of this new strain have only come to light very recently.
Communication along the course of this have not been very good at times - few can dispute that. But once again, I do have synpathy for the government when almost everyone calls for decisions and certainty and then, weeks later with the benefit of considerable hindsight, comes back and snipes.
Yes, it would have been far better to give a message like "We would like to be able to allow people to enjoy a cautious, small 'normal' Christmas, and to facilitate that we are going to do X, Y and Z. However if, when we get into mid-December, the spread of the virus is higher than we'd like and if hospitals are stressed then we will not be able to do that."
However, had that message had been delivered, the government would have been pilloried by many, including the leader of the opposition, for dithering, being indecisive and not allowing people to plan with certainty.
Like almost every element of this, our government, like many others, is damned whatever they say and do, as they would be if they did anything different.
Witty said they had known about the mutation since September, in the same press conference.
So as the mask wearing expert, stood 2 metres to the right of Boris, said months and months ago the second strain could be far far worse why did Boris proclaimed he was "Saving Christmas" and allowing all manner of social interaction?
Heard this argument today, young people’s lives and businesses are being ruined to protect the elderly at the end of their years. One old girl even apologised saying the younger ones have already sacrificed so much they need to live their lives now.
With millions on the breadline no business no income no home in some cases when is enough enough![]()
Because (IMO) what he was really trying to save was the economy. It is a trade off with health. He has been under enormous pressure to prioritize saving jobs as well. He is in a no win situation as are all global leaders and you would have criticized whatever decisions he made simply because he is Tory.
Strangely though, it's the right wing press who are encouraging breaking the rules.
Brexiters generally won't be told what to do.
Because (IMO) what he was really trying to save was the economy. It is a trade off with health. He has been under enormous pressure to prioritize saving jobs as well. He is in a no win situation as are all global leaders and you would have criticized whatever decisions he made simply because he is Tory.
Hmmmm, I certainly believe that should be true.Like almost every element of this, our government, like many others, is damned whatever they say and do, as they would be if they did anything different.
The one thing I am understanding is that science is not unilaterally behind the Tories current stance. So for that reason I expect a higher standard of explanation passed to the public to justify their plan of action.
Indeed, have the very similar decisions in Wales (by Labour) and Scotland (by the SNP) been criticized in the same way??
I believe that his plan was only implemented in the first place because of his desire to be popular
it's his complete and utter incompetence.
Really? The response in both Wales and Scotland regarding those devolved matters has been far clearer, quicker and stronger. The biggest debacles of all - Eat out to help out, PPE contracts, the Christmas break were all of Johnson and his government's doing. Drakeford and Sturgeon had little choice but to follow the UK lead regarding Christmas. Johnson has done nothing to try and pursue and nationwide strategy and, in fact, is fast tracking the break up of the UK....
What has Lamptey got to do with it!
I don't read right wing papers, what have they said?
I don't see the connection with brexiteers, all the people I see via social media (not you) are the remainers and left wing bias that push the agenda about bumbling Boris, saying they don't know what they are doing, when it is science and data that dictates what they have to do and what they act on.
The consistent undermining of this government has been astounding and not realistic.
If the left care about people they would work with the government, to help get this virus beat rather than make people rebel government rules. As ultimately they with the media are a catalyst in spreading this vile disease.
Ps I know you and you wife are a decent people who would never break the rules.
Then perhaps he should stop saying what he thinks the public want to hear:-
"I'm saving Christmas"
& instead tell us what we need to hear:-
'keep your distance, wear a mask, sorry it's essential services and nothing else'.
You are correct that he has to balance health against the economy, and there is no doubt that this new strain has had an effect.
However I don't believe that this is the sole reason for his 'Xmas plan' U-turn. From before he announced his 'Xmas plan' the 2nd wave hadn't been bought under control and Sage and significant other scientists and scientific bodies, more qualified than you or I were warning that this plan would have disastrous consequences post Xmas. I believe that his plan was only implemented in the first place because of his desire to be popular and his inability to make tough decisions together with a basic consistent failure when it comes to assessing information, detail and marrying that to policy decisions (and I won't bother listing the examples of those in the last 12 months).
And before you accuse me of Tory hating I have voted Tory a number of times. It's not political, it's his complete and utter incompetence.
Anyway, I believe what we have now is what we should have planned for all along (although I'm still not sure Sussex should be tier 2 when surrounded by Tier 4's. See ? Tough decisions).
Hmmmm, I certainly believe that should be true.
Nobody signed up for this, and I'd be worried for the stability of anyone that would.
That aside.
When the Prime minister declared he was "saving Christmas".
I (along with however many thousands others) declared "why?".
It was a ridiculous thing to say.
It went completely against scientific thinking.
It was senseless pointless and desperate.
It's certainly not the only time he has placed himself on the wrong side of the required message.
It feels like Boris has gone out of his way to make a near impossible job even harder for himself, and his electorate.
I don't think his actions can be brushed off as 'damned if he does, damned if he doesn't', they should be but they can't and that is unforgivable.