But who can ever forget the tears of frustration in his eyes during the show's Italian tour at not being allowed the use of his mouth to finish off Two Gentlemen of Verona.The experts’ expert on Give Us A Clue, was Lionel Blair. Who can ever forget opposing team captain Una Stubbs sitting open-mouthed as he tried to pull off Twelve Angry Men in under two minutes!
Great choice! I like his line 'if you don't have a plan then nothing can go wrong'!Don't know if the best comedy line ever but always liked Spike Milligan's inscription on his gravestone: " I told you I was feeling ill."
Another geezer I know, his old man was French and his mum was French...he was a cu.."
Ah. Constable Savage."And we have some more here: walking on the cracks in the pavement, walking in a loud shirt in a built-up area during the hours of darkness and walking around with an offensive wife. In short, Savage, in the space of one month you’ve brought 117 ridiculous, trumped-up and ludicrous charges... against the same man"