I reckon we print more than ever before. In the 'good old days' you wrote a report once - and that was it. Now, there are drafts, redrafts, re-redrafts and so on - most of which are printed because despite advances in technology I think the majority of us still find it easier to read detail and proof read things if they are actually on paper. And because of email, these drafts and stuff are often sent to dozens of people, all of whom print them out! Also, the ease of generating documents with pictures, diagrams, and so on, just means that everything is wordier and longer than before. Hence yet more printing.
Spot on. When I worked at Lloyds Bank in the 1980s there was a lot of chatter and excitement about the 'paperless office' we were all heading towards at great speed. More than 30 years on, the amount of paper used now is vastly more.........................