Deportivo Seagull
I should coco
BensGrandad said:Lets clear this once and for all.
I am not prepared to give the names of the people who I have quoted as it wouldn't be fair to them and would achieve nothing for us.
We attended a breakfast meeting at The Savoy Hotel London there was a very well known boxing promotor present who told us he had tried to buy the club and had offered £6m total to include debts etc and Archer had told him the club was not for sale. Another chap was there who was Chairman of a club in Essex, his son was chairman of another club in Essex their plan was to build on the two clubs land and buy BHA with the proceeds,this was also vetoed They were prepared to just take over the debts.
The men I was talking to wanted to buy BHA and a local amateur club with its own ground, sell the local ground and let them ground share The Goldstone until a ground for BHA was built at Beeding. Both clubs would have then used Beeding and the sale of the small ground would have helped finance the building of Beeding. I would have become very rich for brokering the deal.
When it became apparent that DK was going to buy the club these same people investigated his finances and told me that he was unable to finance a club the size of BHA, a decent amateur club yes but not a league club.
I hope that this will finally explain my position and allow us all to move on and discuss the postive things about this great club.
Interesting, and at least you are honest about becoming rich. However boxing promoters are the sporting equivilent of used car salesman ....
As for building in Beeding ... you can't get planning permision for a shed in Beeding so a footy ground was pie in the sky, which is about the best summary for this.
As for the comments about 'can't afford to get promoted', what's so strange about that, most clubs in this division can't afford to get promoted ... non story.
Up until this post I actually thought you might know you're stuff, now I pretty sure that you don't. Neither proposal strike me as good business !
Northstander ... you should apoligise for your comments, it's not big, clever and makes you look very stupid ... which I'm sure you're not.