another nail in the tory coffin[
Whilst I cannot agree with what was said, I feel you will be sorely disappointed next May.
i know someone who works in schemes to give work to severely disabled and handicapped people. they cant get many organisations to join the programme unless its as volunteers for this reason. and then those that do are accused of exploiting disabled workers on only minimum wage. all this story will do is make few more companies stay out of it altogether.
For crying out loud,this stupid remark, which was made by an idiot and is nothing to do with Tory Party policy,has been condemned by heaven knows how many people within the party.
No need to go overboard on the usual tory hating rants.
By the way,I read that this fellow used to be an advisor to the Labour party
my daughter has a very rare type of Turners syndrome, making no more that 4foot 10 inches in height.
first job this bunch of bar stewards sent her to was a nursing home in hove on minimum pay, silly girl worked through her holidays without pay lifting old people in and out of bed on her own until one of her discs slipped ..................I then blew my top. the own claimed she did not know this was going on ..paid her holiday pay and overtime , then the cheeky bitch asked her to go back.
my daughter is now working in after school clubs part time ....some paid some volunteering and trying to keep up with some absolutely useless coarse for the job centre which if she does not turn up she will lose any benefits.
and her case is very mild from what others had said to me
This was mentioned on the BBCs Daily Politics after Pmqs.
Nick Robinson said the quote looked as if it was taken out of context.
Asked if it was possible to pay disabled people less than the minimum wage and get the government to cover the difference he said that it was an idea worth looking at if it enabled disabled people to get jobs and help their self esteme if the individual so requested.
Milliband just took a quote out of context.Bit like forgetting the economy in his speech and also not wanting the English to have the only say on English law.
I would say Millaband is desperate I am surprised DC didn't bring up who sold all the gold reserves !next time he moans about the euro star sell off.This was mentioned on the BBCs Daily Politics after Pmqs.
Nick Robinson said the quote looked as if it was taken out of context.
Asked if it was possible to pay disabled people less than the minimum wage and get the government to cover the difference he said that it was an idea worth looking at if it enabled disabled people to get jobs and help their self esteme if the individual so requested.
Milliband just took a quote out of context.Bit like forgetting the economy in his speech and also not wanting the English to have the only say on English law.
This was mentioned on the BBCs Daily Politics after Pmqs.
Nick Robinson said the quote looked as if it was taken out of context.
Asked if it was possible to pay disabled people less than the minimum wage and get the government to cover the difference he said that it was an idea worth looking at if it enabled disabled people to get jobs and help their self esteme if the individual so requested.
Milliband just took a quote out of context.Bit like forgetting the economy in his speech and also not wanting the English to have the only say on English law.