It’s a myth perpetuated by people who are politically and economically illiterate. And if Labour’s economic policy is such a ‘wank fest’ why did 129 leading economists sign an open letter prior to the snap election? The letter articulated full support for the investment-focused economic policies outlined in the Labour manifesto. The letter claimed that the policies are designed to “strengthen and develop the economy” and ensure developments are “sustainable”. What’s more, the letter boldly claimed, the policies are based on “sound estimations” – surely not a phrase to be associated with the myth that you’d have us believe. What’s more, it claimed that Conservative policy on the other hand would ‘slow the economy at a crucial juncture”.
How in touch are you ? are you still in Bournemouth 1970 ? there are so few union members these days there is zero chance of a Labour government being held to ransom by unions. have you not noticed that people are flocking to the Labour cause because they see their pay and conditions and public services constantly being eroded ? And your last point, I am really lucky, I have no mortgage and no rent to pay thanks to hard work and a couple of redundancies and a divorce, however, I will never be rich as what cash I have will slip through my fingers like sand...Go on, crack on about the unions and lefties. The reality is that the tide is turning because too many people feel they have been left behind and that the economy " Does not work for them . May, Theresa,".
How thick are you that you can't see how sad this country has become and how devoid Mrs May is of ideas to change anything ? so, vote Tory for a continual slide in to the abyss or vote Labour for a hope of change for the better.
Hes more in touch than you vegster , you seem to be forgetting that the country is skint , we havent got a pot to piss in , corbyn will borrow this country (and pay a f*cking fortune to do so) into venezuela like status , Mervyn King nailed it
i dont work in that industry mate , mervyn king is the one who guided gordon brown when he was like a rabbit in the headlightsI wondered where you had got to. Anyway, I thought we lived in the 5th or 6th biggest economy in the world so the money is here somewhere ? Mind you, it's well hidden these days. So, we have the money, it's just that too few have too much, it's all been trawled up before as you well know. Interesting you mention Mervyn King, wasn't he governor of The
Bank of England when we had the last financial crash in 2007/8 ? He didn't predict that now did he ?.... ps how's your job, was it you that worked for a company doing building work for hospitals ? if so, hope you have dodged the Carillion fallout.
So what are we in currently with our record debt, record defecit, no public assets, record homelessness, record poverty, record children in care, record waits in hospital?
I'm glad you're moving in a bubble where all is rosy but things are far worse the the majority of the population.
Whatever your take on spending priorities I don't see how you can get lower than a government that spends millions fighting freedom of information requests so we can't find out how many austerity kills, and hounds disabled people to despair and death at a net loss to the taxpayer.
Do we just accept a degree from the University of Mombasa, Kiev or Karachi? Not saying we should or shouldnt just asking a question.
So which of these are you claiming put a charity donation on expenses?
Leading economists lol. Anything like the 364 Keynesian economists who wrote a letter to the Times claiming the economy was about to collapse after thatcher was elected.
Records that will be smashed by Labour with ease if the ever make government . All these promises of extra money for everyone but no idea where its coming from. A little hint higher taxes for everyone
Does inventing hypothetical Labour dystopias help you justify the OPs comments? It’s ok that the country is going to shot because it might be worse under Labour?
And what school of economics did you graduate from?You can sneer all you like, doesn’t make you any more accurate with your incredibly blinkered ‘Labour = bad economic policy’ view.
Not school but Schools and dont project emotions as tthat is sloppier than your original comment. Its not Blinkered its History, we had Labour government in the 70s going to the IM>F for money as they were broke, the winter of discontent in the late 70s, 25% inflation, because they let there Union chums get out of controll, then of course you have the latest manifestation of Labour, flooding labour markets with cheap labour, announcing they will sell the gold reserves costing us billions, rading the pension funds and being turfed out of office with piles of debt. But its not just UK, across countries those that spend more as a percentage of GDP experience lower groth rates, then you have Venezuila and North Korea both dabbling with mass starvation.
On the Other hand youve got trump cutting regulations and taxes which has produced 3 quarters of Growth over 3%, Something Obama said was not possible. As well as lowest ever recorded rates of Unemployment for blacks and Latinos.
Any other questions?
Come back when a labour, lib dem, green or SNP member of parliament has claimed a charity donation as an expense. Until then, that is nothing more than piffly tit for tat nonsense. The fact is, it takes a certain type of charmless greedy tw4t to indulge in that, and those people are usually found in the Tory party.
And those schools are?
You know there’s more the economics than GDP right? There are lots of different ways to measure the health of the economy, but they should not be viewed in isolation.
A. That being said, Labour has a better record in a variety of categories. Such as, but not limited to, GDP growth, earnings and income inequality, gender pay gap, unemployment, health and education*spending and industrial action.
If you look at the figures over a longer time period – back to when Thatcher became prime minister in 1979 – then Labour would undoubtedly have the better record out of the two parties. Disproving your theory entirely.
Not school but Schools and dont project emotions as tthat is sloppier than your original comment. Its not Blinkered its History, we had Labour government in the 70s going to the IM>F for money as they were broke, the winter of discontent in the late 70s, 25% inflation, because they let there Union chums get out of controll,