I'm old, I still love Carling Black Label!
... Erdinger if i'm feeling flush
Tubby Mondays said:Real ale is definately the way to go!
I cant wait to try and get a sneaky pint in at a quarter to three, along with thousands of other people behind me while some tosser in front sniffs, swills, asks the ABV, who brews it, marks it out of ten in his poxy little book, drinks a bit again, asks to see the landlord because 'it doesnt taste the same as the last time I had it in, just let me check in my book; The Sad Bastards Arms in Spacklington in 1979. Could I swap it for something else. I dont know what I want, could I try a sample of them all and go through the same f***ing performance again?'
All while standing the way of every other paying customer who just wants a pint before they watch the game!
Hardly ever seen over here unfortunately
Apart from every single "Wetherspoons" and "Lloyds No. 1" bar in the country..
That'll be why I haven't seen it then.I'm an old farty that likes back street boozers.