the right one
Yeah, that's you - what about the rest?
As I said they got banned
Yeah, that's you - what about the rest?
Well if theres an offence online such as rascism , its going to be looked at isn't it ?
Oh come on. Threads purporting to be about the BNP and racism were latterly just cover to use the N-word, the P-word and to bandy racist comments around. The line was crossed, the police acted, Bozza did the right thing and some order is restored.
As I have said there are a lot of sites on the web that could be regarded as racist.
There maybe but unfortunately this site has be caught out about inappropriate threads regarding to rascism.
Unfortunate! There is a certain site that is full of such threads. Even the times used it lately.
There are a lot of boring threads about pointless politics, let's get back to discussing just how shithouse El Abd is at left back for the moment.......... please
Well its happend now , what can we do about it ?
There are a lot of boring threads about pointless politics, let's get back to discussing just how shithouse El Abd is at left back for the moment.......... please
.... who emailed Bozza ....
.... get a life
i understand your sentiment, we're all uneasy about the whole thing, but prob best lie low for a bit, till this blows over
But that's exactly the point - as CovGull infured - we're sleepwalking into a police state - look at Damien Green - now is not the time to lie low, now is the time to speak up. I fully understand that Bozza had to do what he did but it doesn't make what the police did right. Unfortunately the police, if they do bother to comment ( my guess is they are too cowardly to do so ) will hide behind legal jargon which most people are too frightened to fight against !