ID10T Error
Oh oh.[emoji38]ol:[emoji38]ol:
Oh do **** off.
Oh oh.[emoji38]ol:[emoji38]ol:
Oh do **** off.
What about WTC7? Please explain how that came down and BBC reporting it has fallen when when you could see it behind the reporters left shoulder?
Last one from me as I'm off to the pub to talk to my mates about the weather.
If you remember I stated correctly steel melts at 1300 degrees, building fires can reach 1500 degrees unattended. The sprinkler systems failed on lower floors and those higher failed when one tower come down, damaging the water supply.
The fire raged freely until the building collapsed.
That is an acceptable explanation unless you believe the FBI CIA The Marines or Mickey Mouse had a hand in it.
Bugger forgot Walt Disney was a Nazi![]()
Last one from me as I'm off to the pub to talk to my mates about the weather.
If you remember I stated correctly steel melts at 1300 degrees, building fires can reach 1500 degrees unattended. The sprinkler systems failed on lower floors and those higher failed when one tower come down, damaging the water supply.
The fire raged freely until the building collapsed.
That is an acceptable explanation unless you believe the FBI CIA The Marines or Mickey Mouse had a hand in it.
Bugger forgot Walt Disney was a Nazi![]()
Serious question. Can you give me an example of any other steel framed building ever collapsing at near free fall speed due to a fire?
I find this an interesting subject.
Not really, trying to think, if I do I'll come back to you.
I was an aircraft engine for years and now a beer quality manager so not my forte, I was only following reports like most would and having an interest in events.
Serious question. Can you give me an example of any other steel framed building ever collapsing at near free fall speed due to a fire?
I find this an interesting subject.
Not really, trying to think, if I do I'll come back to you.
I was an aircraft engine for years and now a beer quality manager so not my forte, I was only following reports like most would and having an interest in events.
Fair do's. Me neither tbh. I do find it interesting that THREE steel framed buildings collapsed due to fire in the space of a few hours on that tragic day though, especially when only two were hit by aircraft.
Food for thought.
It was more than just a fire in two of those buildings. There were two massive explosions.
I find it interesting how the two twin towers remained intact for 40mins or so. I’d have thought the heat and pressure in both explosions would have toppled each tower instantly.
I am not sure what @<u><a href="" target="_blank">SeagullinExile</a></u> is intrigued about.
May as well say 'That Titanic, eh? Odd that it sank.'
I must be missing an undercurrent here . . . perhaps someone might enlighten me at some point.
Interesting comment on the first video about NIST not be truthful in the report of WTC7, after a FOIA was requested in 2012.
It didn't collapse, the steel frame was still intact after they put the fire out.Thank's for posting. I know about these ones. But they don't collapse in near free fall speed, which was my original question. I might be wrong, but didn't the Madrid one burn for days before collapsing?
Thank's for posting. I know about these ones. But they don't collapse in near free fall speed, which was my original question. I might be wrong, but didn't the Madrid one burn for days before collapsing?