The Clamp
Well-known member
I think they collapse with out any resistance beneath them.
If they came down as the official report suggested, then the towers would not have come down in free fall speed. It would take a second for each floor to fall on the the other, creating the pancake effect. Also there would be evidence of the pancake theory.
100 floors X 1 second = 100 seconds (1 minute 40secs for towers to collapse). They came down in 10 seconds.
I find it strange how the steal was shipped to China from site without any forensic test being made, which would have told us a hell of a lot more.
I am no conspiracy theorist, but 9/11 left more questions than answers, and they didn't even talk about WT7 building (Control Center) that came down with out being hit and just a small area of fire.
There has only ever been 3 steel framed buildings to ever collapse due to fire.
They all fell on 9/11.
“I’m no conspiracy theorist”
Yet, you are.