'Goodbye Cruel World' Costello and The Attractions..has one or two dodgy tracks but still plenty of brilliant songs...The Comedians, Joe Porterhouse for two
Whatever your personal view he was found guilty…he should be sentenced as everyone else would be. Why do you think there would be a war ? Seems highly unlikely
..or he just happens to be a self-absorbed and ignorant narcissist, convicted rapist and vile human being and people don't like or trust him...more likely explanation.
Seen Nick Lowe a couple of times and always did a great set…my favourites of his being (What’s so funny about ) peace, love and understanding and American Squirm.
Not necessarily lazy. They just maybe expose to a view that doesn't just reflect the mainstream media bias and learned to value it. I would certainly vote socialist if possible, but sadly there is no option. Having been a Labour voter for all my voting age I'm now bereft of any options... Green...