This is not a judgement either way on what you said, but all I'll say is that it's the first tournament in a long time that there are no expectations. And something that actually resembles a strategy.
Indeed. I was at the protest on Sunday, and it was more of a show that many people are Republicans and object to one family's bloodline elevating themselves unchallenged to the highest offices of British power, unelected. This is despite the BBC's nauseating and extralegal bias and the...
History and culture perhaps, but Royal Family? They love it in the way you love your mate's dog. Fun to look at and pay attention to when it's around, but you're f***ing glad he's lumbered with it and not you.
(no offence to dog lovers)
Left at 8pm because a) train shambles meant I'd have had to leave at 9pm anyway and b) waited in the queue for over an hour for a drink and got nowhere. Fantastic time though nevertheless, and very good learning curve so I can plan the day differently next year (aka drink more before getting to...