I teach at an international school in Singapore and all the (rich, privileged, never even heard of a council estate) kids talk like they're in an episode of Top Boy. Could be a half German/ half Korean kid, doesn't matter. Interesting to watch the influence of British and American slang...
Fond memories of Hastings as a kid. My grandparents (RIP) lived in the old town, specifically in one of those raised houses in the tight high street with the long row of black railings infront.
Haven't been back in about 10 years. Viewing from afar it's very sad to see what's happening to many...
Did a bit of a pilgrimage to that set in Almeria whilst in Andalucía a few years back.
The train station from the beginning of Once upon a Time in the West is also round the corner from there.
Agree with this. IF Edwards keeps them up. O'Neill has been incredible but the majority of his team are full internationals. Luton looked so out of their depth early doors and have about 5 players in their entire squad that had Premier league experience before this season. The fact that they're...
Once Upon A Time in Hollywood is great once you realise what it is.
First watch found it boring and slow as I went in expecting Pulp Fiction/Django level pacing and drama.
On subsequent watches really appreciate it more. There are so many quotable lines and subtly funny moments.
Incredibly tough as I would have South Park, Always Sunny and Simpsons as personal semi finalists.
Simpsons essentially pioneered prime time adult animation (Arguably a greater influence than Flintstones) and inspired a ton of both animated and live action comedies that came after. The first...