Blimey, that Cardiff turnout does look a bit thin from your end. Most seemed to have gone with the East side £34 tickets, but that looks harder to spot from the North
New rule- you may only pass judgement on stands other than your own.
Otherwise it is like comparing our own kids to other peoples in terms of bias!
Though the SW corner, back rows, are the best all round views and atmos in the stadium.
Last season, I could barely hear the North from the WSU, or vice versa.
From the SW corner, 100m away the North was loud last night, WSU inaudible, WSL occasionally vigorous.
Time to call and answer with the South stand, NSK
Climbed Scafell Pike with my daughter last month. First person we saw on the summit was a teenager in an ALBION shirt. On the top of England. Shame some sweaty had flown a saltire from the summit cairn, I kid you not!
generally knowledgeable, good humoured and ready to sing a bit. Very happy. Less moaning than D block at Withers. No one said " Sort it out Mcghee" whenever possession was lost.
Seat but one features a bloke who kept getting his ARSENAL "affinity" card out and putting it back with his kids...
Lots of cars still queuing to get out of BF at 10:50- bit surpring?
Happy to be on the bus instead. Remind of this when I am waiting in the rain and you are sitting in comfort in the motor!
Mackail Smith by any chance?
Hope there was noise- but acoustic seem a little weird up there- we can't hear any of the tannoy info very well ( Everywhere else I have been it was deafening.)
Absolutely FWY! View better than anticipated and great being able to view every part of the ground except the WSU. Quick in and out too- none of that 5 flights of stairs malarkey, warm in winter? Maybe?
Excellent so far, feel better already.
Caterers doing their best to master new roles and doing so with good humour.
Is there a better stadium in the division- and are the fans in it friendlier- not in the SW corner!
Place all your positive comments here.
Dear me , you would imagine we had lost 6-0 and were playing at Selhurst judging by many of the comments
I have had a marvellous evening in every way.