Tried to ignore this program but the missus has been watching it and I've kinda got sucked in! Just got the last one wrong (all the others right though)
I would like to say making colostomy bags at Eschmanns one summer whilst at Uni, but actually it was a good laugh with some right characters there. Worst one would probably a week at an industrial laundry in Shoreham one summer, where they had a contract with a local abbotoir or industrial...
F***s me off the blatant shuffling forward of the wall, with the referee doing sod all about it. Desperately want some cheating tw@t to get the ball hard ifull n the kisser and lose a couple of teeth!
No, the weather is bl**dy gorgeous in Leeds today, just walked out and had my lunch by the lake in Roundhay Park.
That said the clouds are gathering to the north, so we could have showers later!
Then again, can you imagine any of todays retards doing afterdinner speaking. They're lucky if they can string a sentance together as it is.
(not that they'll need to as they'll live off their ridiculous wages they earn today, unless they p*ss it all up the wall!)
useless at classical literature, art and theatre.
Sh*t hot at geography, science and mainstream sports (although Cricket I can be a bit wonky on).
Pretty good on Music, Film, TV, food.
Haven't done a quiz for ages though!
Will be at Silverstone for the MotoGP the day of the England v Algeria Game, and the F1 the day of the Final. They have already stated there will be a big screen showing the final, and I assume the Algeria game will get the same treatment.
Other than that, I'll only be watching a few of the...
Can't wear socks without shoes, soon as I take my shoes off when I come in, I have to take socks off too and walk around barefoot in the house. Why I don't know?