Well if Spain didn't implement austerity measures, it will be their taxes that will be used to bail the Meditteranean slackers out.
Not that any of those protesters are actually likley to pay tax!
Yorkshire Game Fair at Harewood House.
Was there today as an exhibitor and competitor, tomorrow there just taking in the show (in the bloody pouring rain if the forecast is to be believed!).
At least Hamilton gives it a go at overtaking, whereas clowns like Massa just sit their and put faith in strategy and pitstops.
Until they change the bias for giving the benefit of doubt to the guy in front, who can turn in on the driver attempting to overtake, as Massa clearly did today, then...
Had a competition and BBQ at our clay pigeon shooting club. Given my success though, I might have been more effective chucking confetti at the clays, woeful!
Didn't escape the wedding fully as they had it on on the tv there and there was a very nice Union Flag cake.
I think this is quite true, its being crammed down our throats day in day out to the point of banality as they've run out of things to say. I don't have a problem with the wedding itself, as I think its something Britian does well, pomp and ceremony, but the pathetic hyping by the media means I...
This. I know a couple of the physios (through people at work) at Dirty Leeds and they all speak very very highly of Poyet too. If Leeds don't go up, Grayson could get the elbow and Gus would be very high on the candidate list.
My dad suffers from it. Bad on Elbows, Knees and shins. Seemed to get a lot lot better once he retired, which suggests to me it was made worse by stress.