I'm afraid I haven't. Busy most saturdays Aug through end Jan anyway.
Next season hopefully, although of we do go up I guess getting a ticket will be even harder.
oh, go on then, flog me!!
Couldn't give a sh*t if someone wants to organise a campaign to get a song to No1 to celebrate Maggies death. P*ssing in the wind if you ask me, but if it means that much to some people, go ahead. I appreciate the pro v anti Maggie arguments (pro myself to be honest), so if it makes the anti's...
Have been in Barcelona for a conference since Sunday. Hotel we stayed in was about 5 mins walk from the Nou Camp. When we left at 2.00pm this afternoon for the airport the noise of horns and fireworks in the street was already crazy.
Oh dear lord!
(however, when one of our b*tches was having a particularly long and messy season, we did stick a pair of the missus's keks on her (with a hole cut for the tail) to help keep the carpet clean. Needless to say the missus did not use them afterwards!!)
Possibly the funniest thing I've seen on tv this year. Seriously weird people they chose there, are all doggers that odd.
The little ginger fella between the two biffas looked petrified. The Interviewer asked how he fitted in with them two. Given that they'ed just slagged the size of his c**k...
Where we used to live it backed onto woodland and the garden birds were dominated by tits (great, blue, long tailed and coal) as well as nuthatches and the odd woodpecker. Last year we moved adjacent to more open farmland, and thought the garden bird count would drop, but instead its a rich mix...
Reasonably good flumpage in West Yorkshire, and forecast for pretty much the rest of the day. Schools closed and our office closed at the moment "monitoring situation". I was gonna work from home today anyway.
Best of luck in the final.
Have always had a soft spot for Wrexham. Used to play hockey on the astro pitch next to the stadium in the early noughties and there was always a good bit of noise from the ground on match days (sounded like they were cheering us on :wink: ).