This - Woodpeckers are probably the likeliest predators around but they're cute aren't they... See my photo as to why the nest box hole covers don't always work!
More broadly, I was watching Goshawks predating a magpie nest a few weeks back, it's all part of the circle of nature. For those...
Loads, went to every tournament from 96 onwards until England didn't and loads of away qualifiers. The experience is so totally different from that seen externally, I've never seen any trouble and always felt wanted and welcome wherever we were
Quite - You nailed it really, it's FAR more...
Loads, went to every tournament from 96 onwards until England didn't and loads of away qualifiers. The experience is so totally different from that seen externally, I've never seen any trouble and always felt wanted and welcome wherever we were....
Delighted to see a mini landslide in East Worthing and Shoreham, well done Tom!
Oh, and an overwhelming thumbs up to the Union, across the UK, marvellous.
You laugh - I have a friend with MS who uses a motorised wheelchair, he was our guinea pig to test that the community gardens were accessible, he was fine in a straight line but if he tried to turn too tight he was wheel spinning. He's about 7 stone wet through but his chair was like an Austin...
Nicely busy - I was down there for about 30 mins because it's a bit of a social event. Only about 250 potential voters to use that polling station so you tend to know many of them!
Not to the level of accuracy that it's being used for, no. There's no allowance for the time the sensor takes to detect the ball has left the boot (does it even detect that bit or just contact?) or for the transmission and processing of the data, it's utter BS to determine mm of difference based...