Why the hell is Mawhinney allowed ANYWHERE near football, seeing as he was around during the Thatcherite era which effectively made being a football fan a crime?
Also he was the election co-ordinator for the Tories in the 1997 election, and we all know how well he ran that one!
Well we all know Russell Brand is a cock so we can discount his judgement, aside from that I don't think I've seen many people making Stalin into a pop-art icon.
You can get Mussolini t-shirts in Italy if that would cheer you up?
True but not necessarily at left back it seemed because he always picked Mayo.
Just reminded me of an interesting fact, Kerry Mayo was the only player to play in EVERY game Steve Coppell managed Brighton for!
I'd like to add The Style Council song "Long Hot Summer" to the list, a very different style from the excellent Jam songs mentioned above but is still a classic tune in my opinion.
Kilroy should be funny...
But Paddick??? He was so god damned boring in the mayoral elections, as a commentator said, it takes some dullness to not be interesting despite being an openly gay former police chief.
Well in my view all the poor sod's who died in WW1 were innocent, all killed for a stupid Imperialistic feud.
The guilty parties all survived sadly, with the exception of the Romanov's.
Regardless of the in's and the out's of the scheme, it's sad another possible future scheme for Brighton and Hove bites the dust.
I just fear the place will soon start resting on its laurels again and nothing will get done, NIMBYism gone mad..
I just found out about this now as I got myself one of the cheap rail tickets back to London(£2), apparently I can't get a bus with that but they are running a Brighton to London train but it is going via Lewes!
Not that I'm saying our economy won't be pummelled, but doesn't anyone see a bit of irony in the IMF telling us that, when they are one of the institutions that presided over the current sorry state of affairs in the world developing.
That and their rigid adherence to the Washington Consensus...
I wonder why he is feeling the pressure though, he surely has a job for life there?
I know the performances haven't been great lately but surely even Arsenal fans aren't that fickle.
Now teams will just target them, if they didn't before, knowing how brittle they are.
Watch out Arsene, Villa will be breathing down your neck soon enough.
CNN just predicting New Hampshire for Obama which is bad for McCain as his campaign had roots there, some are also projecting Obama to win in Pennsylvania.
I still want to see it with my own eyes!