Exactly. As one of the people who was on the end of one of these 'How dare you question where the money is coming from, I know a programme seller who worked at the Goldstone for a fortnight in 1974, so I can guarantee that the money is there' speeches, I cant help but feel a sense of smug...
Does anyone else remember some sex scandal in the early 90s (as exposed by the NOTW) where they had some estate I think it was, where the women were putting boxes of OMO in their kitchen windows to signal 'Old Man Out'? And therefore advertising their availability?
I know I havent imagined this...
Why is it sad?
In league football there are divisions. Each season teams get relegated (that means they go down to a lower division) and some teams get promoted (that means they go up a division - yippee!).
The teams that go down do so because they are not good enough to stay in that division...
OOOOOOOOOOOhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I got on the pitch and am in a picture celebrating the team staying in the division on the last day of the season. Swearword descriptions of you desperate people doesnt even begn to cover it.
Im not saying I dont appreciate it, cos I do, but why are you buying me a Newcastle top?
My memories of the place following our last trip arent happy ones.