Interesting - can you give a specific example of your local party oozing with anti-semitism? Did you report this to labour party HQ who were willing to seize on any examples?
The Labour Party Manifesto of 2017, when Labour achieved its biggest vote since 1945, was widely popular according to opinion polls, and not just to Labour voters - which paticular parts of it did you find too far left and objectionable?
I dont like Putin, as he`s a right-wing Russian nationalist autocrat and Russia was clearly wrong to invade Ukraine, as we were to invade Iraq (amongst other places). However I dont buy the line that he is a Hitler like character determined to conquer Europe. There are complex and particular...
I merely asked a reasonable question - I was curious to find out from someone who had spoken to Ukranians what he thought.
What other nonsense are you referring to - Ive just disagreed with people on economic matters and backed up my arguments with evidence. Seems totally reasonable on a...
According to the Statista website ( the country to which the most refugees have fled is Russia- seems odd to flee to a country run by a fascist and his killing machine. Having spoken to Ukranians - how do you account for...
Could you be a little more specific where you think the study is not useful? For example, I assume that you hold the conventional, three source view of public spending - namely from either tax, public debt, or money creation, which is viewed an inflationary alternative to the other sources...
No, of course no one has to offer anything on Northstandchat if they dont want to, but you and others have suggested that my contention that tax does not fund central government expenditure is false. I have cited evidence in a detailed study which supports my argument. No one has offered any...
I don’t know what BBS is. The attributions to MMT in the Chicago survey questions didn’t actually relate to any actual tenets of MMT. They were just straw man questions. What specific elements of the UCL analysis do find fault with?
Well it describes itself as one of a series of working papers, is around 38 pages long and is cogently argued with supporting graphics and is fully referenced and much of it based on around two years research by three of the authors in their paper An Accountancy Model of the British Exchequer...
So as not to disappoint Guiness Boy et al., can I point out that taxes paid to the UK exchequer (not local taxes) , don`t fund central government spending. They perform other functions within the UK economy. New money is created whenever the government spends. Tax receipts are destroyed. If...
A country with its own fiat currency cannot go bust. Its not like a household. You cant magic up the goods and services that money enables a nation to have but indeed you can magic up the money itself - thats how our economy works. Where do you think people get their money if not from banks or...
Whilst I sympathise with your left wing stance over the inequities of tthe current system and critisise Sunak, Hunt and Starmer, unfortunately you fall into the same neo-liberal trap that they do. You state that "capitalism is built on nations borrowing money and deficits. Unless people have...
Yes they`ve been rubbish at maintaining and improving public services unsurprisingly as that conforms to their anti state neo liberism. However, in what way do you think the public finances are in "crisis"? Also I disagree about lockdown. Sweden`s limited covid preventative policies have proved...
Why do you think the "defecit" matters so much? Suppose you could wave a magic wand which could get rid of all the UK governments debt. Would you wave it?