Voting Tory must have been hard, I would rather bang nails in my feet, but well done, I can see why you did it. Noew you better burn all your clothes and have a shower.
Excellent series, BBC at its best, scared the willies off me! Compare Threads to Jericho (if you get it in England) worlds apart in different intepreatations of post-nuclear war scenario e.g. in America a few days after the bombs the Septics have a town barbie to eat all the food and have a...
I think Life on Mars is the best thing on telly, but I live in New Zealand and telly over here is utter bollocks (the first series has only just started).
Having said that, I like Survivor and Jericho as well, so I'm not exactly Melvyn Bragg am I?
Actually, New Zealand is great, they let you shoot Hobbits all year round and I bagged 2 on the way home from work last night. NZ is a place to be, but too many Brits thinks its the ultimate land of milk and honey and its not, also - its not as cheap as people think and the wages are not as high...
Something needs to be done, this is the worse the board has ever been since my time on it, started around 1997/8. We can either have uncensored free speech (which at present means dumb kids and racists, i appreciate there is a big difference) or moderated banter and ban racists and moderate...
Sorry, but Briley and Farrington cannot be considered in the same breath as Hilton. Also, if we are talking crap, does the name Richard Tiltman not spring to mind?