Currently listening to Friendly Fires, School Of Seven Bells and Passion Pit. Can't be arsed to research new music at the mo so recommendations would be great.
Fascism: For some of the people, against some of the people
Communism: For the people, against the people
Capitalism: Against the people, for the people
Human nature is why Capitalism works and the others don't.
I totally agree. Just not sure what difference it will make. Gotta say I think the bricking of Sir Freds house and car will have more impact than a demo. These fuckers need fear coz in general that is the only thing that these shit heads respond to.
I think you may be right. As my bird has booked the day off work to go up I am a little worried. Still if she wants to spend the day with women in secondhand dresses and blokes who are born again Marxists expousing egalitarian ideals while getting irrate if anyones opinion even slightly differs...