There are a number of variables in the Heywood result, including a fall in turnout from 57.5% to 36%.
The Tory vote went from 12,528 in 2010 to 3,496 and Labour's from 18,499 to 11,633. I don't doubt that some former Labour voters voted UKIP as a protest but I am also confident that the...
If your point is that people are p*ssed off with the main parties then I agree. If you think a bunch of Thatcher loving extremists are an alternative to those that currently hold power then we don't agree.
Clacton was previously a Tory seat and the UKIP candidate was the former Tory MP. The same was true in Rochester. Therefore right-wing voters were simply voting for an even more right-wing version of what they had previously voted for.
Any working person who votes for a party that is as...
It's gibberish because it was the Tories that took us into the then EEC and the left that warned of the dangers at the time. The idea that socialism and a capitalist club like the EU are the same thing belongs to the same second-hand nonsense that right-wingers like to pump out without any...
Kipper MPs both right wing ex-Tories. Pound Shop Powell is a failed Tory candidate on more than one occasion . Their politics are Monday Club extremism with a dose of populism for the gullible.
The Greens seem fairly clear in their opposition to TTIP,-that-must-be-stopped/
The argument that UKIP should be supported because the main parties are also useless is the ultimate race to the bottom...
Predictable Uber-Tory stuff. Blame foreigners for the failures of capitalism, cut taxes for the well off, slash services for the rest of us and hand over public assets to the usual collection of spivs.
I don't totally disagree with Tony Naylor. There are bland or poor British real ales (Shepherd Neame and GK among others) and while I think many US beers are over-aggressive in their hops I would not dismiss all of them especially those from the Pacific North-West and New England.
Which hardly applies to most of the beer brewed by Harveys. Best is 4%, Old is 4.3% and Mild is only 3%. I enjoy Darkstar ales but APA is 4.7%, Original 5% and Revelation 5.7% (Hophead is obviously a lighter session beer but you get the point).
To be honest it reads like self serving nonsense to me. People are free to drink what they want but to compare "craft beer" to real ale is like pretending that a suit mass manufactured in Shanghai is the same or even better than one made by a proper British tailor on the basis that the Chinese...
Governments also use unemployment to drive down the real value of wages, fail to prosecute employers who flout minimum wage legislation , deliberately undermine the ability of workers to collectively improve their lot, engineer the transfer of surplus value from wages to profit which is then...
Real ale is a beer brewed from traditional ingredients (malted barley, hops water and yeast), matured by secondary fermentation in the container from which it is dispensed, and served without the use of extraneous carbon dioxide.
Keg beer undergoes the same primary fermentation as real ale but...
Harveys is a great brewery which brews excellent beer. Everyone is entitled to their own preferences but some of the digs at Harveys have become more than a tad predictable manufactured gripes.
Re-read it, you are correct. Our top earners hit the money by doing out of hours and emergency work so it still seems unlikely that most craft workers are going to sustain £1k a week all year round.