If you dont go about waving flags, scarves or shirts then all we be well,..... you only have yourselves to blame. You can walk into any bar without challenge as long as you dont show colours, simple really.
With what aim???............... my question to you would be, Why would a big club sink big bucks into running a B team if as you say the B team squad will have no chance of getting to the 1st team? .... you or I have no qualifications beyond emotional rhetoric that this proposal ( ie not set in...
Of course it is your democratic right to either form a party that will represent your particular anti-establishment agenda, or simply withdraw from society, live in the woods somewhere, and therefore avoid being upset by the real world.( including petty debates that are obviously beneath your...
I saw the SP at the Camden Music Machine, I can't remember the year 1977 maybe, I was a young teenager and was taken by my Uncle...... it was a scary experience and SV was a menacing character from what I recall....... gobbing at the audience and kicking out at anyone who tried to get on...
It has become a 'camp-fest', perhaps it has always been, most of the mosh pit were groups of moustachioed middle age men in tight T-shirts. We shouldn't get stressed about the geopolitical voting tactics, we should just cut through it by getting David Williams or Russell Brand to represent us...
I must admit, whenever we drive to away games, the last thing we do is check that the car shows no sign of where we are from or who we support..... simple precautions......
Jeb??? .... how 'street' of you.... I would suggest you took a few scrabble letters at random to dream up that one, but that would be a bit high brow for you I suspect..... duly put on ignore list.... see ya.
Amazing,... Husty giving me a thumbs down for EVERY post I make,.... what a child. How about giving an opinion matey........ or does that stretch your keyboard warrior adventures a little too far?
I support restrictions completely, I just think we may find there are some Liberty type groups who will shout 'free movement' and 'human rights',... if we started to implement it. I dont know if/how other countries manage it,...interseted to know.
I always drink in the Marlipins in Shoreham......local and cosy, decent beer, and although they do food( pubs for beer, restaurants for food), its informal and mostly lunchtime trade,....