If I want to over-react, I can. It is my prerogative.
PS. If the thread had appeared here and not in Ask the Club it would have been left alone. Uncommented on. By me.
How the f*** could one confuse a site called "North Stand Chat" with anything remotely local? Let alone Local for Lancing which would shurely be part of the series that includes NormalforNorfolk.com
Sorry Al. I'll keep out of things and leave it to the organisers! Can I just make a plea for the information about needing to be ready to have photographs taken to be transmitted to mascots/ballboys etc. Oh, and that the team photographs need to be taken BEFORE the minute's silence.
Stadium looks superb but I so wish this ridiculous fad for fish-eye lenses would run its course! It can look just fine - take that front picture of the stadium as an example - but so often just looks derivative.
Rant over.
PS. You have to go a very long way indeed to beat Mr Jack Straw's...
We'll need two mascots - one from the Palace too. Also, can Teresa be told that her Seagulls Specials will form the line-up that welcomes the players onto the pitch. So at the very least 8 ballboys are needed