This is where it can get messy, when things are said in meetings or phone calls with no record. I would always follow up with an e-mail confirming what was said, agreed, proposed etc, so it was documented and not open to interpretation, and I was the employer 😲
I would hope that your dealings...
You need to keep up, @Giraffe has given up his lifelong support of the Tory party and has now been backing Farage's private company for some time because he doesn't believe the way the Conservatives elect their leader is democratic ???
But I'm not aware of any other countries whose raw facts included setting up illegal fast track programs to award multi million pound contracts to their mates ? :yawn:
The Rep may be less than on the ball but they are only a representative of a much larger organisation. I would get onto their legal team direct. Good luck.
Sorry to hear that Trig.
I'm guessing from the fact you haven't mentioned it, that she's not in a Union (for legal advice) ?
I'm sure you will get more good advice on here and I hope it goes as well as it can.
My first post which was about Employers NI, so it specified 'employers NI' and my second post was about total NI, so it specified 'total NI' :facepalm:
And I won't mention the further cut in April costing the Treasury a total over £10B per year, or nearly half the black hole, because I wouldn't want anyone to look foolish :wink:
I'm sorry, that was worded very poorly. I appreciate the amount of work, hassle and stress that goes into building businesses having done it a few times myself (getting a lucky break in my early twenties after pissing about since leaving school at 15 with a few GCEs) and then working my guts out...
Don't apologise, it's what a lot of people who've have struggled with everyone else, stumbled across a lucky break and then made a couple of quid do :shrug:
To be fair, I remember you getting that job on NSC and was really pleased and when you came back to NSC to recruit more people with no academic background it was truly superb.
But if you're now moving functions offshore because it's cheaper where people don't have employment rights then I think...
I'm sure you know the Socrates quote from over 2,000 years ago,
The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise...
I haven't been in business for 15 years but even back then, you could offshore functions to countries that had very little or no worker's rights and they were consequently a whole lot cheaper per hour to employ. Obviously nobody in their right mind would use that as a reason to move functions...