I would suggest that she contacts all of these agencies and the previous school and ask them for a copy of the reference they received from the original school.
The references might be accepted by the new school, but also might be critical in building a case against the original school if they...
I've been in a similar scenario myself, when we broke up she insisted that no-one else was involved, but it was only a matter of weeks before she was seeing someone else (that she'd known before the break-up).
I'm not sure how you inferred this, unless you interviewed each juror? Technically every single one might have though he was probably guilty, but didn't think the evidence provided showed this beyond reasonable doubt.
An accident waiting to happen is printing out one of said pictures back in the early days of the internet on a dot matrix printer, and the print taking so long that you forget about it.
If the charges are from Google Play/Wallet, I'd assume that you should be able to see them if you log on to your Google account? And also I'd expect that you'd receive an email for each charge?
I believe it's because a user mass mailed a load of us, and then he and his messages got deleted. Because we can't read the message the new mail notification won't go.
As a new customer I took out a Sky Q subscription with a multi-room box (full package: Movies, Sports & HD) for £36 a month. Maybe have a look around what new customer offers there are, and if you find a good one your wife could sign up using it. So you can always use that as a bargaining line...
I've consumed tea all throughout the day (and night) for as long as I can remember, but over the last few years have switched to decaf after around 7pm.
The questions you're asking are not really aimed at the average SAP user, but rather system administrators I'd say.
When you mention authorisation (and later SoD), I assume you're talking about the roles assigned to users (we refer to that as SAP Security) and segregation of duties? That's a...
OK, not sure what the date has to do with anything, but I included it because it was available. My point was that a poster on here is a current director and is posting defensively/positively about the trust. Until I'd been on Companies House I hadn't realised that could be a significant bias to...
I wasn't making any inferences between Nick and salary paid to the Chief Exec, apologies if it came across like that. They were 2 separate points of note I gained from the accounts.
I also found it interesting that wages of one person was more than half of the total expenditure.
Some info from Companies House for 2015 filings:
Nick Szczepanik was appointed a director in April 2105.
Income £80.6k
Expenditure £77.3k
Expenditure includes wages paid to 1 person for £40k, an increase of 7% from previous year