Building Regulations are Builing Regulations and have to be followed regardless of whether the builing is private residential, council residential, commercial or industrial. The wealth of the occupant has no sway on these regulations. I think it will transpire that regulations in respect of rain...
I agree. This is about design and building regulations, not politics. An architect will have specified the cladding system and Building Regulations Officers (Civil Servants) will have approved the design and inspected the works as they proceeded and on completion. There will have been RAMS...
Why does every issue have to revert to politics. In jump the politicians, closely followed by the celebrities, all of them point scoring. It's sick. Blame those responsible and prosecute if necessary when all the facts are known. In the meantime these poor people must be looked after and helped...
If only a few people have made adverse comments, hang in there as someone will eventually like it, as obviously, you did. If you've had many adverse comments it will come down to price.
It would appear that the original concrete building had been faced with some form of cladding to improve the appearance. I would guess that the gap between the cladding and the building has not been fire stopped at each floor level or at vertical junctions. Failure to do this would create a...