Why is coronavirus so bad in Italy?
In Italy, coronavirus spread undetected at first when one person who was infected returned in an asymptomatic phase - meaning they showed no symptoms but could still spread the virus.
Professor Massimo Galli, who specialises in infectious diseases at the...
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Populations are controlled by inducing panic and fear, it’s how religions and extreme politics work. My own personal opinion is that there will be exaggeration of the cause and effects of his virus in order to demonise the Chinese communist state. For who’s political and financial ends, who knows.
To be fair, corona virus cant be transmitted through the skin, only through the mouth or nose. If he washed his hands before touching his face there shouldn't be a problem, unless someone coughed directy into his face, when there would be. Surprised he didnt fist or elbow bump instead though. ???
I think you, also, have to factor in that Hubei Province is approximately a quarter the size of the UK, but with a similar size population - 59 million. The likelihood of rapid transmission with that density of population is far greater.
This is a quote from the article;
Although flu might not seem like a deadly illness, on average it kills around 17,000 people in England a year.
Public Health England told ITV News: "The number of flu cases and deaths due to flu-related complications varies each flu season.
"The average...
To get things in perspective, if 80,000 in China have tested positive, and 3000 have died, out of a population of 1,600,000,000 that represents 0.005% of the population. Compare this to the population of the UK of 65,000,000 and we could have 3,250 positive cases and 122 deaths. However the...