Well said.Translator might have been an idea, as you say to slow the responses down, though those two dim bullies would probably have not let him speak at all.
If he'd worn a suit they would have complained Z should have been in military fatigues as his nation was at war and accused him of cowardice.
It certainly shows opportunistic criticism from both left and right of SKS and Macron not being directly critical of Trump was daft. Even the mild corrections and occasional eye rolls from Z showed just how hair triggered and damaged Trump and Vance are.
In another life they would be the sort of idiots who couldn't drive home without a major road rage incident every other day.
And you made a good reminder that when Macron (very gently and politely) corrected him, Trump wobbled his head and hand, as if to say to his audience "no, Macron is trying to fool you".