Who cares?does not the philosophical work of Confucius have the same ethos and values of the Judo-Christian / Islamic religions without there being a need for a supreme being
Belief systems are just a substitute for thinking for one's self, and doing proper research when unsure.
Confucius he say, give me your money and I'll sort you out, me old son.
No thanks

I appreciate you are sticking the boot into deity solutions, but fatuous readymades come in secular colours too.
Even if most of it is reasonable common sense.
"After a Big Shit, wipe your arse and wash your hands before trying the bacon butty solution to the problems of today." Etc.
I am thinking of starting a company that explains to people how to use logical analysis to deal with life.
And the answer, very often, is leave it for now, till you have sufficient info to trigger a decision