Poop Raymondo more my styleToo late - it's gone viral.
From now on, you're Scoop Raymondo!

Anyway, law of averages a story like this has to be true sometimes.
Chuck Pfarrer is normally ok, unless he's desperate for clicks.
Poop Raymondo more my styleToo late - it's gone viral.
From now on, you're Scoop Raymondo!
I recall he cropped up in a Jake Broe video I think. A veteran Seal, special forces chap I recall.Poop Raymondo more my style.
Anyway, law of averages a story like this has to be true sometimes.
Chuck Pfarrer is normally ok, unless he's desperate for clicks.
Yep that's himI recall he cropped up in a Jake Broe video I think. A veteran Seal, special forces chap I recall.
You're on fire tonight Ray.This is a step up from the telephone scams I get about loft insulation!
No idea what BBC Verify thinks, rather strange but could be very real....there are always a few thousand desperate people out there.
I hope all this is true.You're on fire tonight Ray.
I saw something about a pensioner setting fire to an ATM in a bank in St. Petersburg yesterday. Maybe the same thing.
Signs. If it's going to happen, then why not now? I was thinking it might be mid 2025, but I always was a bit behind the curve.
Cold winter. High fuel prices.You're on fire tonight Ray.
I saw something about a pensioner setting fire to an ATM in a bank in St. Petersburg yesterday. Maybe the same thing.
Signs. If it's going to happen, then why not now? I was thinking it might be mid 2025, but I always was a bit behind the curve.
Yep, indeed, at some point the future becomes the present.You're on fire tonight Ray.
I saw something about a pensioner setting fire to an ATM in a bank in St. Petersburg yesterday. Maybe the same thing.
Signs. If it's going to happen, then why not now? I was thinking it might be mid 2025, but I always was a bit behind the curve.
Well, this could be interesting.
Ohh... it's possibly from the US Daily Express...proceed with caution.
Jake Broe talks about it 5 mins in to his video, attached - seems there is some basis to it...some Russians sabotaging their own boats rather than cross the river. I guess we don't know enough yet.Is there a good source for that?
EDIT - ok, understood
You should stay there, Fico, among your friends
Somehow Ukraine needs to hit these as soon as they cross into Ruzzia. It's a bit far though...
Looks like you've got a fix on that 'friendship' bridge ... do you have friends in the area maybe that could do a job?The Pont L'Amitie bridge just to the east of that railway line picture in the tweet looks a nice juicy target - seems to be the only crossing over the Tumen river between Russia and NK
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