If tariffs are imposed on the Uk it would be expected that that the UK would act likewise. I'm sure the executives running BMW, Audi, Porsche, Renault, Citroen etc would not welcome such measures, likewise most of the other EU exporters to the UK. AS the EU exports more to the Uk than the Uk exports to the EU it would be rather a pyrrhic victory for the EU, its not going to happen. As for hard Brexit, not sure what that means, journalistic talk, elite euphemisms terms of the chattering class, would JLR really make an announcement such as yesterday and then go through the huge expense of relocating, especially as their emerging market is in Indai, the US and the far east. Sky News as a source, is not credible as are non of the other channels, read between the lines, don't be reliant on others and draw your own conclusion. Clearly JLR have changed their position on a week.
Why is Sky News not a credible source given this was an interview where a question was asked and answered. You also seem to be pinning a lot on a statement where the requirement was for a large Government investment, basically to induce JLR to stay.
You are also looking at EU tariffs as an EU/UK issue, and ignoring that if manufactured in the EU there are no tariffs to export to within the EU.
If you don't understand hard Brexit then you should give yourself some homework for the weekend, as its not difficult to understand