The blame China thread. Fantastic.
Britain have spent the last 20 year's blowing up the Middle East. For what? Being British it is easy to forget how we pillaged China and tried to colonise them all those years ago. What do you think has been going on at Guantanamo Bay and Abu Graibh? Is that a holiday camp? Why do we still claim Gibraltar, Falklands etc, they're nowhere near us?
When was the last time that China invaded a country? Imagine if the Chinese sailed a war ship along the coast of Mexico, which is basically what the UK/US have been doing for the last few years in the South China Sea.
China is fed up of Britain/US taking the pi55 out of them. There are two sides to every story.
Except I'm not sure they are really fed up with us. I'm not sure they are any more bothered about us than we are about Belgium.

(or Wales).