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Write your own Angie Rowland complaint


Native Creative
Jul 8, 2003
As a long-time resident of Brighton I'd like to voice my concerns at the growing trend of young people in my city.

I mean, what on earth do I pay my council tax for? Only yesterday I saw three young gentlemen walking down a road wearing 'hoods'.. and it wasn't even raining. Why should we have to put up with his?

Later, on the same day I might add, I was mincing along the level, prentedning I'm better than the rest of the world by birthright and I therefore speak on behalf of the entire civilisied people of this city. When I saw a young hoodlum running at a flock of pigeons. Now don't get me wrong, I don't pay my council tax for pigeons (See letter Jan,Feb,March letters page) but I would never dream of making them fly away scared out of their little pigeon minds.

Anyway, I did whatever upright citizen should do and called the young person aside. I then beat him, hard, on the nose.. and..wait for it.. was accussed of battery! Apparently you can't tell five year olds what right and whats wrong anymore.

Discusting. What do I pay my council tax for?

Ex Shelton Seagull

New member
Jul 7, 2003
Block G, Row F, Seat 175
Dear Sir

I read your story about North Laines parking (11/10/05) with great interest. I can totally sympathise with their plight. Who on earth decided to place these disgusting, so-called, "shops" in this area anyway? I don't recall any of us being given a chance to add our voices to this particular debate.

This is just another example of this councils totally brazen attitude towards us residents of Hove. Their obsession with this fad of so-called "shopping" is just another excuse to throw our money through the mangle.

I'm quite proud to boast that I have never been anywhere near any of these disgusting "shops" and their outrageous phallocentric, religious, paraphenalia.

Yours in f***ing disgust.
A.Rowland, Hove


Well-known member
Oct 14, 2003
Dear Sir

I noticed the letter from Saltdean Sea Scouts (Argus, Oct 5th) announcing a jumble sale next Saturday, to raise money for the RNLI's Worthing lifeboat. This followed hot on the heels of Rev Fanshawe's letter (Oct 1st) inviting allcomers to a non-denominational celebration at All Saints church.

If this is the kind of ill-informed piffle, 'looney left' propaganda and scare-mongering nonsense that the Argus is prepared to print these days, then I'm deducting 2 shillings thruppence a day from my council tax forthwith.

Yours disgustedly
Angela Rowland


In my defence, I was left unsupervised.
NSC Patron
Jul 6, 2003
Dear Sirs,

I am writing to complain in the strongest possible terms that the workhouse at the top of the Race Hill has been turned into a hospital. Hospitals simply encourage sickness and disease to say nothing of harbouring malingering, workshy layabouts.

I am not prejudiced against the poor or the sick but I know I speak for all the decent people of Brighton when I say that there is simply no place in our city for such festering cesspits, and certainly not at the expense of fine British institutions such as the workhouse which do so much to reduce crime.

Change it back immediately.


Angie Rowland


Active member
Jul 5, 2003
LOL :lolol:

Surely this thread is NSC Gold

My effort:

The other afternoon I was sitting in the front room reading the paper when an ambulance drove past with its siren blaring at a ridiculous number of decibels. Don't get me wrong I realise the NHS are doing a sterling job, but is it really necessary for them to create such a humdrum, destroying the tranquility of darkest Hove with such regularity. When I used to live in Upper Dicker we were never subjected to such aural torture.

Imagine my surprise when I phoned 999 to report this nuisance only to be met with a barrage of expletives from the operator.

To top it all off next doors cat curled one out in the middle of my lawn whilst I was on the phone, but don't get me started on that disgusting animal.

Yours (with little else to do with my time)


Uncle Spielberg

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2003
" I would like to write an complain about the high level of tolerance we residents of Brighton & Hove are expectated to show to all manner of minorities.

I had the misfortue of having to drive through Kemptown on my way to the Ovingdean Operatic Society and saw several dishevelled couples hand in hand. Now normally the bad dress attire would have made me angry enough but on closer staring I noticed some of these couples were of the same sex. This is an outrage and we should not be subjected to such perverted sights.

Can these people not have a seperate shopping area where they can walk and not be seen by upstanding residents as myself. "

The Drive, Southwick


Well-known member
Dec 10, 2003
Worcester England
bhafc99 said:
Dear Sir

I noticed the letter from Saltdean Sea Scouts (Argus, Oct 5th) announcing a jumble sale next Saturday, to raise money for the RNLI's Worthing lifeboat. This followed hot on the heels of Rev Fanshawe's letter (Oct 1st) inviting allcomers to a non-denominational celebration at All Saints church.

If this is the kind of ill-informed piffle, 'looney left' propaganda and scare-mongering nonsense that the Argus is prepared to print these days, then I'm deducting 2 shillings thruppence a day from my council tax forthwith.

Yours disgustedly
Angela Rowland


Easy 10

Brain dead MUG SHEEP
Jul 5, 2003
Location Location
So Mr Jarvis is a "hero" for diving in to the locks at Southwick and pulling an eight year old girl from the water is he ? (Argus, 3rd October).

Had this wretched child not fallen into the lock, none of this so-called "heroism" would have been necessary in the first place. At least if she had met her watery demise, it was only her own clumsy, foolish life that would have been taken. No doubt this absurd little girl will now be involved in something far more serious, which will result in many more people being killed or injured. She will probably drag a baby and its pram into a dual carriageway, or perform one of those "suicide bombings" which seem all the rage these days. Several of my neighbours will think exactly the same when I tell them this tomorrow.

Not that Mr Jarvis will care, as long as he has his "heroes medal" to polish.

Angela Rowlands,

Ex Shelton Seagull

New member
Jul 7, 2003
Block G, Row F, Seat 175
Dear Sir

I see that the so-called "disabled" lobby is kicking up a fuss over supposed poor access to "shops" and discrimination by employers. Forgive me if you think I have a cold heart but I couldn't give two hoots about these supposed "invalids".

Only yesterday I spotted one of these thugs trundling along a footpath in a wheeled contraption as if he were the King of Siam. I of course did as any right thinking citizen would do, I sneaked up behind him and shoved a large stick between the spokes of one of the wheels.

I was delighted to see that he fell flat on his face and required the help of several bleeding hearts to attend to him. How much of our money is going to be wasted by this council on these overblown prambulators?

Yours respectfully,
A.Rowland, Hove


Well-known member
Dec 10, 2003
Worcester England

Its obviously no coincidence that the recent opening of new trendy bars like "Subway" and "MacDonalds" has already seen a dramatic increase in binge drinking and violent disorder on the sea front. These new superclubs must close immediately before more drug dealers and homeless are attracted to our fair city.

Heavens above, why should the local council tax payer foot the bill to accomodate these youths? Its political correctness gone mad!

A Rowland

Tooting Gull

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003

I was disturbed to read of the tragedy of the Southend Pier fire. This reminds me that our own West Pier has seen better days. Has anyone else noticed this, or am I the only one?

I was also appalled when out walking Tiddles the other day when a young scruff, probably a student, called me a 'chavette' while pointing at my Burberry deer-stalker. What has happened to this once proud British clothing label?

Give me five minutes and I'll think of something else,


A Rowland


The Glory Game
Jul 9, 2003
High up on the South Downs.
As a resident of Brighton I don't know why we need to have so many theatres. I can't walk anywhere without bumping into so-called thespians. I see no reason why we should subsidise these tuppenny ha'penny limp wristed actors who spend most of their time living off state benefits.
There are plenty of theatres in London and I don't see why we need to have a Theatre Royal subsidised through our taxes here in Brighton. When did I get a chance to vote against it?

Yours angrily

Angela Rowland

Behind Enemy Lines

Well-known member
Jul 18, 2003
Dear Sir

I was disgusted to read of the joy of Mr Smith and Ms Jones ( " Couple's good news ends years of heartbreak " Argus, 8 Oct 2005) after Ms Jones gave birth to a healthy boy. The fact they have been " trying " for a baby unsuccessfully for 15 years has nothing to do with it. They have shamed not only themselves but also the local community by having a child outside wedlock. It also means these young people have been fornicating for many years. Pity the young boy who will have to bear the shame of his parents not being married. Call that good news! It's disgusting and a disgrace.


Angela Rowland

PS. The fact that I haven't had sex for 25 years has nothing to do with my attitude to life.

The Large One

Who's Next?
Jul 7, 2003
Dear Sir

I am writing as someone who has been a long-standing resident of Brighton & Hove since between the wars (although it took until 1945 for me to know this).

I am the only person in the town (a city? I speak for the majority when I say that this place is not a city, not matter what the so-called 'Queen' says) called Angela Rowland, and I wish to protest in the strongest possible terms about people writing letters in my name. The sooner Angela Rowland is banned from my town along with all the other immigrants and tramps, the better.

This is my town, and I know I speak on behalf of everyone when I say that I own it. It is mine to do with as I see fit, and these lesbians at the Council who have so cruelly lowered the tone do not deserve to work in my name.


Angela Rowland
Brighton Town,
Rowlands City.

Easy 10

Brain dead MUG SHEEP
Jul 5, 2003
Location Location
The other day I spilt worcester sauce all over my favourite tablecloth, and the stain is proving impossible to shift. Despite reporting this promptly to my GP, he showed absolutely no interest whatsoever, and had the audacity to request I "stop wasting his time", as it is, apparently, "nothing to do with him". Once again, it's just one rule for one, and another rule for everyone else in this "city", isn't it ?

Angela Rowland,


New member
Jul 14, 2005
Dear Sir

I am writing to complain, about the sun. What do I pay my Council Taxes for, come on i mean it's October and the sun has been shining, Disgraceful.

I would like to, ask therfore why werent the Citizens (and by this I mean Me) werent given a referendum about this matter. So consequently I must ask that we have no-more sun and that Autum should be miserable.

Angie Rowland

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