Uncle Spielberg
Well-known member
May I start this thread my nominating:
Bad Santa
What a crock of shit, had some good reviews and 7.2 on imdb so hired it expecting a chucklefest but it was total bollocks, just lots and lots of the f word and lewd behaviour by BB Thornton as Santa with no real story/meaning and very few laughs. Avoid at all costs
3.0 out of 10
What is you avoid film/films ?
Bad Santa
What a crock of shit, had some good reviews and 7.2 on imdb so hired it expecting a chucklefest but it was total bollocks, just lots and lots of the f word and lewd behaviour by BB Thornton as Santa with no real story/meaning and very few laughs. Avoid at all costs
3.0 out of 10
What is you avoid film/films ?