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The biggest problem facing this world we live in ...


Active member
Mar 5, 2008
The UK is nothing like full. London and the South East may be over-populated but there's huge tracts of the UK that aren't. As long as anybody coming in pays their way then its all good and can do nothing but improve the homegrown feral gene pool. IMHO, like.

I heard on the radio that you could (shoulder to shoulder) fit every human being on the planet onto the Isle of Wight. Puts the over-population debate into context.


New member
Feb 16, 2011
Dont worry m8. Slow kill weapons will do the job.

We'll sterilize the population using vaccines and chemicals in food and water.

Also we will use war across the globe.

Dont worry brother, Oprah, Bill Gates, David Rockefeller and Prince Phillip are on this problem.

Lets have a one child policy.

Lets tell the people that having kids is bad for the environment.

Lets starve the 3rd world using biofuels.

This shit is easy to solve bruv. Make the people hate themselves innit.

Having Children Brings High Carbon Impact -

Billionaire club in bid to curb overpopulation - Times Online

Attendees includeded: Bill Gates, David Rockefeller, Warren Buffett, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Ted Turner & Oprah Winfrey.

"The informal afternoon session was so discreet that some of the billionaires’ aides were told they were at “security briefings”... Stacy Palmer, editor of the Chronicle of Philanthropy, said the summit was unprecedented. “We only learnt about it afterwards, by accident. Normally these people are happy to talk good causes, but this is different – maybe because they don’t want to be seen as a global cabal,” he said... Why all the secrecy? “They wanted to speak rich to rich without worrying anything they said would end up in the newspapers, painting them as an alternative world government,” [a guest] said.

BBC presenter Chris Packham says 'save the planet, have fewer babies' | Mail Online

'Eco-warrior' Prince Philip attacks big families - Times Online

Rush for biofuels threatens starvation on a global scale - Times Online
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ferring seagull

Well-known member
Dec 30, 2010
Originally posted by Goldstone

The biggest problem facing this world we live in ...
is over-population ...

Some really scary figures recently estimating what the world population will be by 2020 or 2025. I forget the figure, but it had rather a lot of zeros and showed more massive growth in the next decade or so. And serious questions as to whether there will be enough food to go round ... and at what price.

How to control world population? The Third World is the problem. Wierd isn't it that the poorest are the ones who have the most babies. Makes no sense whatsoever to me.

One thing we need to put a stop to is overseas aid. All that does is encourage people in these countries to have even more kids ... and the vicious circle continues. If they were starving they wouldn't have the energy to make babies.

And a result of over-population is immigration, our second biggest problem. Because of too many people there is too little food. Because of too little food people want to emigrate to a "promised land", one of which unfortunately is the UK.

The UK is full. There is no more room. We do not need any more people be they Eastern European, Yellow, Black or Brown.

Off topic ... most definitely ... and I will wait for the liberals among you to tell me how out of line I am. Should be fun.

Whilst I do not necessarily disagree with your post in general, you do refer to food, and it is the lack thereof, which almost inevitability will eventually become the overwhelming problem, especially as we seem to be entering a 'hot' phase in the world's cycle. If that turns out to be, as some fear, down to global warming then, given that it will not necessarily prove possible to increase food production under those circumstances, perhaps there may be no way back and the consequences may prove horrific.

cunning fergus

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jan 18, 2009
I heard on the radio that you could (shoulder to shoulder) fit every human being on the planet onto the Isle of Wight. Puts the over-population debate into context.

Can't argue with that contention. I think you have a long distinguished political career ahead of you.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
This is probably the most ill informed and stupidest thread i have ever f***ing seen on NSC. f***ing moron!

In your opinion it might be. Clearly from the comments on here not everyone agrees with you ... or with me for that matter. I am however entitled to an opinion or two and to air them if I wish on NSC. And because I have an opinion you don't agree with there's no need to stoop to such childish and inappropriate language. Grow up.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
The UK is nothing like full. London and the South East may be over-populated but there's huge tracts of the UK that aren't

And I would like it to stay that way. That is what England is all about ... wonderful countryside and open spaces.


A. Virgo, Football Genius
Jul 21, 2003
We'll sterilize the population using vaccines and chemicals in food and water.

Also we will use war across the globe.

Dont worry brother, Oprah, Bill Gates, David Rockefeller and Prince Phillip are on this problem.

Lets have a one child policy.

Lets tell the people that having kids is bad for the environment.

Lets starve the 3rd world using biofuels.

well at least someone is trying to address the problem then. from a comfy, i'm all right jack, western point of view, makes alot of sence. how else will we suppress the appetite of 5 billion people for our resources?

Billy the Fish

Oct 18, 2005
Haywards Heath
I heard on the radio that you could (shoulder to shoulder) fit every human being on the planet onto the Isle of Wight. Puts the over-population debate into context.

For starters that is total bullshit, I've just worked it out and the Isle of White is 146.8 square miles, one square mile is 2,589,988.11 square metres.

Assuming you can get roughly 4 people standing in a square metre space (146.8 x 2589988.11 = 380,210,255 m2) x4 = 1,520,841,020 people

So that's just over 1.5 billion at a stretch, the world population is about 6.5 billion.

Even if it was true, the real debate here is about food production, disease and sanitation. There's enough space for hundreds of billions of people but we're too stupid as a species to feed all the people that are here at the moment, let alone the mutiples that will come in the future.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
Surely most people on here who are old enough to remember will agree that Britain was a much nicer place to live 40 years ago when it was a lot less crowded, fewer traffic jams, more green space, fewer people. Why since then has the population increased to such a massive extent? I don't have the figures at hand, but my guess is it's much more about immigration than about the increased birth rate of the indigenous population.

And why the increase in immigration? Avoiding the obvious ... because successive bloody British governments have permitted it ... it is because people from many countries, particularly in the Indian sub-continent and parts of Africa, have wanted to come here because their own countries are a) too poor, b) too crowded, c) too unstable politically, d) in the throes of civil war, etc, etc. The solution is for them to sort out their own problems in their own countries (which might well include having less kids), and not sloping off to live in someone else's country because we have done a better job of building a decent society. Look at what we have achieved by all means, and if you like it make an effort to introduce some of our ideas back home. But don't think you can just come and live here because we have a better standard of living. NO YOU CAN'T.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
Surely most people on here who are old enough to remember will agree that Britain was a much nicer place to live 40 years ago when it was a lot less crowded, fewer traffic jams, more green space, fewer people. Why since then has the population increased to such a massive extent? I don't have the figures at hand, but my guess is it's much more about immigration than about the increased birth rate of the indigenous population.

And why the increase in immigration? Avoiding the obvious ... because successive bloody British governments have permitted it ... it is because people from many countries, particularly in the Indian sub-continent and parts of Africa, have wanted to come here because their own countries are a) too poor, b) too crowded, c) too unstable politically, d) in the throes of civil war, etc, etc. The solution is for them to sort out their own problems in their own countries (which might well include having less kids), and not sloping off to live in someone else's country because we have done a better job of building a decent society. Look at what we have achieved by all means, and if you like it make an effort to introduce some of our ideas back home. But don't think you can just come and live here because we have a better standard of living. NO YOU CAN'T.

Seriously?? What would you do if you lived in a country as you have described above? You can hardly blame people for wanting to live a safer, more secure life.

Also, What gives you more rights than somebody else just because you were lucky enough to be born in a stable country with a good standard of life?

Personally I'd much prefer a UK with a mixture of people from all sorts of backgrounds who can all integrate, rather than one that was full of racists, sexists and homophobes 40+ years ago.


New member
Jul 7, 2003
Worth remembering that Homo Sapiens have been on this planet for far less time than any other species. Considering that most previous species are now extinct can anybody see a pattern here ? (as long as you believe in Evolution)

Billy the Fish

Oct 18, 2005
Haywards Heath
Why since then has the population increased to such a massive extent? I don't have the figures at hand, but my guess is it's much more about immigration than about the increased birth rate of the indigenous population.

To be fair it's not even worth getting into the immigration debate because that is nonsence in the first place. The birthrate might be going down but we are still multiplying, albeit at a slower rate to other continents. We are also living much longer now. I can't be arsed to look for the figures either but immigration means bugger all to the long term issues we need to be worried about. (and by we I mean every person on the planet)

Personally I'd much prefer a UK with a mixture of people from all sorts of backgrounds who can all integrate, rather than one that was full of racists, sexists and homophobes 40+ years ago.

This is also nonsence. All this recent happy clappy bullshit and obsession with diversity is actually the start of the process which will make planet earth a much LESS diverse place. If we all mix together within a few generations we will all end up exactly the same, that sounds pretty horrible to me.

The real answer is to make it so people don't need to migrate en mass because everyone has a share of the wealth. As I said earlier that probably isn't going to happen, we'll just carry on as we are until everything is gone.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
Also, What gives you more rights than somebody else just because you were lucky enough to be born in a stable country with a good standard of life?

Lucky enough, maybe, but only because my ancestors faced up to and dealt with many of the same problems people from these countries are facing now. They need to go through the very same process and deal with their own problems. And they have the advantage of looking back through history to see how other countries handled similar problems. My ancestors had to figure it all out for themselves.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
This is also nonsence. All this recent happy clappy bullshit and obsession with diversity is actually the start of the process which will make planet earth a much LESS diverse place. If we all mix together within a few generations we will all end up exactly the same, that sounds pretty horrible to me.

Why would that happen? People always used to live in the same countries without ever moving and they didn't all look the same. There would be enough of a mixture of genetics that it surely wouldn't be the case for many hundreds of years at least, in which time genes would change anyway.

Anyway, my argument was more in reference to attitudes towards people from different backgrounds.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
Lucky enough, maybe, but only because my ancestors faced up to and dealt with many of the same problems people from these countries are facing now. They need to go through the very same process and deal with their own problems. And they have the advantage of looking back through history to see how other countries handled similar problems. My ancestors had to figure it all out for themselves.

That's great if it can happen, but for someone who has no money, no power and is fighting an extremely powerful and rich dictatorship, it's just not a possibility without external help. If I was threatened with death, either by starvation or by murder, I'd certainly want out.


New member
Apr 17, 2010
The UK is not full, there is loads of room, think of the country side! This country can fit millions more people if it wanted to.

Think of Canada, 34 million people in a space twice the size of Europe. The world is not full. We have enough room for billions more than we do now.


Il Pirata
Dec 3, 2008
Surely most people on here who are old enough to remember will agree that Britain was a much nicer place to live 40 years ago when it was a lot less crowded, fewer traffic jams, more green space, fewer people. Why since then has the population increased to such a massive extent? I don't have the figures at hand, but my guess is it's much more about immigration than about the increased birth rate of the indigenous population.

UK population 1970 55.632m 2011 61.38m

I would hardly call that a massive increase, rather, it has been a steady and controlled increase. This has been achieved through immigration as you correctly hypothesised. The reason for this? Our economic system requires constant growth, without a constant growth in population this would be impossible. Especially if you take in to count the number of people of working age, which I would guess has increased only very slightly due to the aging of the indigenous population.

And why the increase in immigration? Avoiding the obvious ... because successive bloody British governments have permitted it ... it is because people from many countries, particularly in the Indian sub-continent and parts of Africa, have wanted to come here because their own countries are a) too poor, b) too crowded, c) too unstable politically, d) in the throes of civil war, etc, etc. The solution is for them to sort out their own problems in their own countries (which might well include having less kids), and not sloping off to live in someone else's country because we have done a better job of building a decent society. Look at what we have achieved by all means, and if you like it make an effort to introduce some of our ideas back home. But don't think you can just come and live here because we have a better standard of living. NO YOU CAN'T.

The solution is actually for the money made by the richer bits of the world to be shared more equitably. Unfortunately, if we want to reduce the desire for immigration to the UK we need to lower our standard of living whilst raising others.


New member
Feb 16, 2011
Save the Planet-Kill Yourself Merovee

"In the event that I am reincarnated I would like to return as a deadly virus , in order to contribute something to solve the problem of overpopulation." HRH Prince Phillip.


New member
Aug 13, 2004
never read so much nonsense in my life.

the world is abundant and can sustain billions of people. the globalisation empire creates scarcity....and this is the issue.

ever flown over the south east? most is countryside.

it is the system that controls energy/food/health/information that is the problem, not the amount of ppl.

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