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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
La Rochelle
The only important question that should be asked now that we have Rangers ear is whether they consider themselves as Rangers,British ,Scottish or anti English on fridays? Only when we get an answer that represents the majority can we move on.

Also, do Rangers think they'll ever get anywhere in Europe?

It,s been a busy few hours Phil, and hopefully progress is being made with regard to our differences. I have been assured that Brighton will not be targeted by any Ranger,s players,..and I accept that.
Just in case NSC breaks down...........let,s get the show on the road........we have much ground to catch up this week.
I will be playing this evening from about 8.00pm........I hope others will join me.


New member
Oct 12, 2007
Welcome to Northstandchat "Tigers999",

You echo much of my thoughts...........and thankyou for your support.

Of course he does, you have the same organ grinder. :flameboun

" Me and my Team " It was a figure of speech ffs, I dont own them I merely try to organise them, just like Ian does you guys... alledgedly.

Nothing can stop people playing for other teams you say, why not... I'd rather not play for anyone else and I'm sure there are others on this planet otherwise it would be an even bigger mess than it already is.

You make it sound like I accuse you guys specificaly, I didn't I just know the Ferry was involved. Just like you guys know it was Rangers who hit you last week but I wasn't involved, dont think Ali was either.

Roper who are you refering to as being stronger, Hull?? Or the Foreign aspect of the Ferry. There is a forum being set up to discuss these things and I only came on here to ask CJD to leave it alone but he wouldn't so I think I'll talk to Brixtaan, will get more sense out of him.

Brixtaan, we have been to many semis on our own. Beaten most of the top sides. The Germans give us a fair game because they know it's only us and have no excuse to join up against us. The excuse's made here or on other boards for being beaten by far stronger sides, and I dont just mean in numbers are ridiculous. You cannot show up in Europe having scored less than 100 million all week and expect to beat sides that score 2 or 3 times that in one day. Not in my book anyway.

Now... enough please.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
La Rochelle
Please ignore the above post..............


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
La Rochelle
Thanks to ;












who have kept us afloat so far.


New member
Jan 19, 2008
Indeed mas, even the longest journeys start on the first step, but when you trip up on the first one..."Ferry interference is killing the game for UK clubs....discuss", it shows you are not ready for sensible dialogue.
You are right, the Alliance does not consist solely of UK players. Pleased you refer to other members of our Alliance as Belgians, rather than your player "AND" who referred to them as............ "all Belgians are Paedos" on the shouts board.....( I was very surprised that he wasn,t removed from the game after that). You may well have respect for "AND"....(although I,m surprised), I,m afraid that respect is not matched by me. Indeed, he is very much at the forefront of problems between Rangers and the Alliance.I hope you wll excuse me, but work beckons, and I,m sure you need to get on the game to grind out the inevitable title victory that your team demands.
If I ever manage to find where the PFYC thread is on Follow-Follow, I will post on there.........but assure you that I will not make the mistake of making accusatoins on your board..............very bad form.
I'm not much interested in what AND says to you - that's between you and him so why do you keep mentioning him to me..?

If you don't think Ferry interference is bad for the UK teams then why don't you justify your position with some reasoned counter-argument..?

Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but haven't you been grinding out some scores on the game lately..? So why do you seem to imply that there is something wrong with taking the game seriously..?

I'll let AND speak for himself with regards to your respect, but people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones - know what I mean..?

So to address the one point you seem to have answered, can you tell me how Belgian Ferry interference in the UK League is going to facilitate British teams helping each other in Europe..?


New member
Jan 19, 2008
No-one is a captain, no one is in charge! No one picks a team and no one has a god given right to win the title every week without challenge! Also, NO ONE can stop people playing for other teams!
So just to be clear then - anyone can play for any team against any other team at any time and that's ok then..?

You seem to think that we are out to get Rangers! How many different people do you need telling you that we arent? I promise you, if we were you would seriously know about it! I remind you back to the last time Hull won the league title! We are stronger now and I dare say 1 Billion is not out of reach! We can show you this if you want just to prove what happens when we get involved in the UK League? You choose?
So you mean you're not just hangers-on who jump on the back of other teams band-wagon's then..? :rolleyes:


New member
Jan 19, 2008
The only important question that should be asked now that we have Rangers ear is whether they consider themselves as Rangers,British ,Scottish or anti English on fridays? Only when we get an answer that represents the majority can we move on.

Also, do Rangers think they'll ever get anywhere in Europe?
Why is that the only important question..?

What about the question of various teams combining to defeat Rangers in the UK League and Ferry jumping in to knock Rangers out of Europe in the later stages of the competition..?

I can't speak for the majority but I personally will not sit still while others conspire to defeat us. I won't be anti-anybody as long as they are not anti-me.

So how about the only important question being when are Ferry going to leave us alone..?


New member
Jul 7, 2003
Border country.East Preston.
It's the only important question because i can't see Rangers,let alone an English club ever winning the Euro Cup.The Germans masse against anyone who comes near and you're being naive if you think they don't.The English need to know if you'll ever play under an English flag (whoever that may be in that particular week) against the Germans in the latter stages.
I'm not bothered, i just want to see Brightons massive support reflected properly in this game and a club from these islands showing the thousands who play this across Europe who's boss every week.
If it comes down to England/Scotland v Germany in the final every week at 6pm then i think the game will be better for it.
Wake up Rangers, you'll never win anything without having a re-think.Surely a trial?


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
La Rochelle
Why is that the only important question..?

What about the question of various teams combining to defeat Rangers in the UK League and Ferry jumping in to knock Rangers out of Europe in the later stages of the competition..?

I can't speak for the majority but I personally will not sit still while others conspire to defeat us. I won't be anti-anybody as long as they are not anti-me.

So how about the only important question being when are Ferry going to leave us alone..?

Various teams combined last yearto defeat Rangers in the Uk league, because most of us were bored with the game, and the total stanglehold you hold on the UK league has meant the number of players throughout the league has dropped considerably. I am unaware of the "Ferry jumping in to knock Rangers out of Europe in the later stages of the competition. I have access to the Ferry forum, and there is no mention of it on there.
I also don,t speak for everybody, but I have seen many accusations..(often made by AND), and they are unfounded.
I am not anti you.
As for your last question, if AND were to stop peddling his accusations, I think you will find that Ferry is just not interested in Rangers.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
La Rochelle
I'm not much interested in what AND says to you - that's between you and him so why do you keep mentioning him to me..?

If you don't think Ferry interference is bad for the UK teams then why don't you justify your position with some reasoned counter-argument..?

Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but haven't you been grinding out some scores on the game lately..? So why do you seem to imply that there is something wrong with taking the game seriously..?

I'll let AND speak for himself with regards to your respect, but people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones - know what I mean..?

So to address the one point you seem to have answered, can you tell me how Belgian Ferry interference in the UK League is going to facilitate British teams helping each other in Europe..?

I mention AND to you, as you say, he is much respected by your team. He,s not respected by me, and without doubt, is the most disruptive force in this game..IMHO.
I don,t think the Ferry is bad for the UK league........end of story.
Correct....I have ground out some scores that a problem.....or do you find it offensive.....?
Glass houses...??, I don,t know what you mean.
With regard to your last I in a court of law here, and somebody hasn,t told me something...? May I remind you......this is a GAME.
Finally,as I pointed out earlier, your diplomatic skills as a guest on here are extremely poor.
You clearly just want to argue. I have six children, and the most tedious part of being a father is listening to their squabbles, but I,d rather listen to them, than read your continuous grizzles, masked as questions.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
La Rochelle
Of course he does, you have the same organ grinder. :flameboun

" Me and my Team " It was a figure of speech ffs, I dont own them I merely try to organise them, just like Ian does you guys... alledgedly.

Nothing can stop people playing for other teams you say, why not... I'd rather not play for anyone else and I'm sure there are others on this planet otherwise it would be an even bigger mess than it already is.

You make it sound like I accuse you guys specificaly, I didn't I just know the Ferry was involved. Just like you guys know it was Rangers who hit you last week but I wasn't involved, dont think Ali was either.

Roper who are you refering to as being stronger, Hull?? Or the Foreign aspect of the Ferry. There is a forum being set up to discuss these things and I only came on here to ask CJD to leave it alone but he wouldn't so I think I'll talk to Brixtaan, will get more sense out of him.

Brixtaan, we have been to many semis on our own. Beaten most of the top sides. The Germans give us a fair game because they know it's only us and have no excuse to join up against us. The excuse's made here or on other boards for being beaten by far stronger sides, and I dont just mean in numbers are ridiculous. You cannot show up in Europe having scored less than 100 million all week and expect to beat sides that score 2 or 3 times that in one day. Not in my book anyway.

Now... enough please.

You are an extremely rude individual.I have visited your board, at the invitation of mas, and I must say, how curteous the other Rangers players have been. I in turn, as a guest on your Follow-follow board, have responded in kind.
You are not welcome on this board. You have to date made three posts..........all of them whinging and making accusations.
Now listen laddie..........on this board I can say what I think of you. You are just an obnoxious little shit.


New member
Jan 19, 2008
I mention AND to you, as you say, he is much respected by your team. He,s not respected by me, and without doubt, is the most disruptive force in this game..IMHO.
I don,t think the Ferry is bad for the UK league........end of story.
Correct....I have ground out some scores that a problem.....or do you find it offensive.....?
Glass houses...??, I don,t know what you mean.
With regard to your last I in a court of law here, and somebody hasn,t told me something...? May I remind you......this is a GAME.
Finally,as I pointed out earlier, your diplomatic skills as a guest on here are extremely poor.
You clearly just want to argue. I have six children, and the most tedious part of being a father is listening to their squabbles, but I,d rather listen to them, than read your continuous grizzles, masked as questions.
Sorry, but the most disruptive forces in the game are those who seek to destabilise it by cheating and by interfering in outcomes. The game is Play for YOUR Club, that's the premise of the game, the point of the game and the spirit of the game. The moral high-ground here belongs to those who adhere to that ethos, not to those who would circumvent it. It's called Cheating and it's absolutely pathetic.

No, I don't find your dedication to the game offensive in the slightest, you were the one sneering at me for putting in the effort for MY team. I think your efforts for your Club are admirable. I feel sorry that you cannot rely on any significant number of team-mates to back you up.

The glass houses comment, if you require an explanation, simply points out that you don't exactly cover yourself in glory if you cheat your way through the game. Respect is earned. AND plays for his own team and puts in tremendous efforts on a regular basis. He sees cheating and he calls it as such. If you don't like that then perhaps you could encourage your ferry buddies not to cheat, then AND wouldn't need to call it as he sees it.

And of course this is not a Court of Law, but I fail to see how asking you a simple question about Belgian Ferry involvement somehow extrapolates to you being in Court. Your definition of diplomacy seems to involve not asking any difficult or searching questions so maybe you're right, I'm not a Diplomat...


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
La Rochelle
Sorry, but the most disruptive forces in the game are those who seek to destabilise it by cheating and by interfering in outcomes. The game is Play for YOUR Club, that's the premise of the game, the point of the game and the spirit of the game. The moral high-ground here belongs to those who adhere to that ethos, not to those who would circumvent it. It's called Cheating and it's absolutely pathetic.

No, I don't find your dedication to the game offensive in the slightest, you were the one sneering at me for putting in the effort for MY team. I think your efforts for your Club are admirable. I feel sorry that you cannot rely on any significant number of team-mates to back you up.

The glass houses comment, if you require an explanation, simply points out that you don't exactly cover yourself in glory if you cheat your way through the game. Respect is earned. AND plays for his own team and puts in tremendous efforts on a regular basis. He sees cheating and he calls it as such. If you don't like that then perhaps you could encourage your ferry buddies not to cheat, then AND wouldn't need to call it as he sees it.

And of course this is not a Court of Law, but I fail to see how asking you a simple question about Belgian Ferry involvement somehow extrapolates to you being in Court. Your definition of diplomacy seems to involve not asking any difficult or searching questions so maybe you're right, I'm not a Diplomat...


You have merely deteriorated into another argumentative you did on Follow-Follow.
I have decided to put you on my ignore list, so I dont have to read your rhetoric any more.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
La Rochelle
Well played last night Alan...(apn)..very welcome points indeed...!

We need to try and get to 25 million points at least for safety this week, so anyone not busy for 20 minutes..........every point is valuable.

Apologies for the vitriol spouted by the Rangers players on here recently...........just one of those things they do I,m afraid.
I suggest you do as I have done.......and put them on your ignore list.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
La Rochelle
We,re up to 26 million.........should be Ok this week............but more points are welcome........especially tomorrow.

As an aside re :Rangers........I received a couple of PM,s from their players and they were OK. Explained how they are not too happy with their leader.
I also received a PM from that scumbag "spunkmeyer". I have replied as following........" You,re a sick just f*** off our board".
I hope that is an end to the matter now.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
La Rochelle
we are now 6th in a uefa cup place.Colin, Apn back as highest score lol

Have just seen that,s how it shoild be too....LOL..!

Hope everyone else supports you today.........I,m out for the whole day and evening unfortunately, but it,s still possible to qualify.

Good luck.


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2003
COME ON WE'RE 18th!!!

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