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Now Labour score own goal with poster...


New member
Apr 5, 2009

A tory poster spoof

Super Steve Earle

Well-known member
Feb 23, 2009
North of Brighton
I can't believe people are annoyed that Labour are attacking an opposition leader instead of advertising concrete policies. Attacking opposition leaders is, quite literally the ONLY thing the Tories do.

The country isn't in a great way at the moment, but if the conservatives come to power I'll be getting a one way ticket out of the UK. People seem to forget how bad the last Tory government was, and how things were before the GLOBAL recession hit (incidentally trigerred by a US housing market collapse).

We're a global centre for finance, so we were obviously going to be hit harder than anywhere else. Anybody that seriously thinks the Tories would have been better prepared for this, or would have dealt with it better, are kidding themselves.
By my reckoning you would have been about six years old last time the Tories were in power, so I'm guessing you aren't speaking from personal experience. Don't swallow all the Labour spin, life was actually a damn sight better under the Tories than you might think.

West Hoathly Seagull

Honorary Ruffian
Aug 26, 2003
This. Its my first vote but to be honest I'm completely at a loss. Labour started well, turned things round, then went arse over tit about everything for the second term and have royally f***ed everything for me. Having come out of uni a year ago I now have no hope of a job and everything cost twice as much as when I started.

But I'm still old enough to remember Tory government and anyone pretending they'd "save" Britain is kidding themselves, they're just as corrupt, detached and clueless as the current lot. Cameron's a chum-faced smug post twat who I wouldn't trust to walk my dog, and Brown's a clueless idiot who in my opinion comes in for some ridiculous criticism, it seems since the recession happened on his watch, everything he does has to be villified in the press regardless, but nonetheless he still f***ed up and proved he's not fit to run the country.

The Lib Dems have some good policies but f*** all spine and frankly its a wasted where to go? This is just how Hitler got in, distrust of the existing system and no viable alternative, I wouldn't be surprised to see a big rise in BNP vote come May. I can't be bothered with the to-ing and fro-ing, get the election over with, get the hung parliament and let chaos rein for the next five years while everything I put fuckloads of work into to get through the education system with good grades (because I was promised I'd get a good job that lo and behold doesn't exist now), continue to be bent over and forcibly penetrated ad nauseam ad infintum. f*** the lot of 'em.

Instead of spouting all this "they're all as bad as each other" garbage, how about quizzing your candidates as to what they stand for, or going to a hustings meeting, and making your mind up based on what you get back from them? I'd love to see any young person who says they can't be bothered to vote stand in front of my grandfather after he had his lung burnt out at Bari in 1943 defending people's right to vote. I personally feel that the ANC in South Africa have been a disaster (Mandela apart), but the people queue all day long to vote, having been freed from apartheid to do so (even if they vote a different way from what I wish they would vote). I am a card-carrying Conservative and have been for most of my life, but I would rather see people honestly voting Labour or dare I say it, Lib Dem than say, "oh I can't be bothered". That doesn't mean that I in any way excuse those who have played fast and loose with their expenses.

Besides, it will be people taking this line that will let the BNP get close to getting candidates elected. If that is what you want, then by all means sit on your backside, but don't complain when it happens. And on the job front, no-one owes you a job. You will get there by the effort you put in to finding one.


New member
Dec 31, 2004
"Cameron looks f***ing ace in that poster. He must be absolutely over the Moon !. Thanks Labour " Quoted by Uncle i feel sorry for my self Spielberg.

He looks no different now than when he was a self seeking intern helping out Norman"PANDA"Lamont on the day Great Britain fell out of the ERM. This day saw interest rates zoom up to 17% at one point, an event a financial spiv such as yourself can surely never forget.

User removed 4

New member
May 9, 2008
Haywards Heath
"Cameron looks f***ing ace in that poster. He must be absolutely over the Moon !. Thanks Labour " Quoted by Uncle i feel sorry for my self Spielberg.

He looks no different now than when he was a self seeking intern helping out Norman"PANDA"Lamont on the day Great Britain fell out of the ERM. This day saw interest rates zoom up to 17% at one point, an event a financial spiv such as yourself can surely never forget.
complete bollocks, rates weren't 17 per cent.


New member
Dec 31, 2004
"Interest rates soared to 15 per cent in one day and Britain was forced to pull out of the ERM. Mr Major, by now Prime Minister, and his Chancellor Norman Lamont were humiliated. "

Sorry only 2% out.

On one desperate day - Wednesday 16th September, the UK government increased interest rates from 12% to 15%. In theory, these high interest rates should attract hot money flows. But, the market saw it for what it was - a measure of desperation. The market knew these were fantasy interest rates which couldn't be maintained, the sell off continued and eventually, the government caved into the inevitable and left the ERM.
Last edited:


Dodgy Hamstrings
Jan 1, 2008
Who promised?
Did you ensure that they had the authority to promise such a thing? Even when I was 10 I didn't believe that sort of crap.

Figuratively speaking mate, not like I was literally promised. I went to university with the idea of seeking greater knowledge and making something better of myself, and hopefully getting a better job as a result. Its funny how forty years ago someone going to university was respected as interesting and intelligent, but someone wanting to do that now is a binge-drinking, knife-wielding, tax-dodging skiver.

Instead of spouting all this "they're all as bad as each other" garbage, how about quizzing your candidates as to what they stand for, or going to a hustings meeting, and making your mind up based on what you get back from them?

What makes you think I haven't? I'm not an idiot, I'm not a scrounger taking benefits and moaning anyway. And to say its garbage is in itself garbage. It's just my opinion that they're all hypocritical and the last ten years has seen politics go from being out policy to being about personality. Its supposed to be about the capability to run a country, its not the bloody X Factor.

I'd love to see any young person who says they can't be bothered to vote stand in front of my grandfather after he had his lung burnt out at Bari in 1943 defending people's right to vote. I personally feel that the ANC in South Africa have been a disaster (Mandela apart), but the people queue all day long to vote, having been freed from apartheid to do so (even if they vote a different way from what I wish they would vote). I am a card-carrying Conservative and have been for most of my life, but I would rather see people honestly voting Labour or dare I say it, Lib Dem than say, "oh I can't be bothered". That doesn't mean that I in any way excuse those who have played fast and loose with their expenses. Besides, it will be people taking this line that will let the BNP get close to getting candidates elected. If that is what you want, then by all means sit on your backside, but don't complain when it happens.

I think you've misunderstood me, I actually said I couldn't be bothered with the to-ing and fro-ing. I will definately be voting, I fully understand the right and privilige I have to have my voice heard by choosing who governs my country, and I have no intention of passing up that opportunity. Again my point was I can empathise with the apathy people feel and the frustrations with politicians. I agree with you that I'd rather someone stood behind their beliefs rather than have none at all, and I intend to, but I worry that voting numbers will fall rather than rise come the election.

And on the job front, no-one owes you a job. You will get there by the effort you put in to finding one.

This is the bit of your response that really pissed me off, because I don't enjoy being patronised. I do have a job actually, but what I'm doing now isn't what I want from my life and not how I saw the year or two after university turning out, had the world not gone to shit financially. My argument was based on that fact that the generation older than me who spent irresponsibly, racking up debt on top of debt, and the government who allowed the situation to snowball to where we are now, have f***ed up the next ten or so years, perhaps longer, for my generation.

Yet the arrogance with which I'm told to feel guilty for feeling hard done-by as a result of actions and events completely out of my control, is just stunning. Its not far from the Three Yorkshiremen Monty Python sketch half the time. "In my day we walked to work in paper shoes." Well no, actually. If an entire generation can be so fiscally irresponsible to get the country into this state I won't be patronised, because I don't respect its opinion. I know no-one owes me anything. But a little common respect doesn't go amiss.


Legacy Fan
Aug 20, 2003
I struggle to get up and vote for elections, even though I do and tend for the vote for the person least likely to get in.

That isn't apathy more anger at the electoral system in this country.

I have just moved to an area where my vote may make a difference at the next election, having previously lived in Tory or Labour strongholds.

(Those sort of places that tend to increase their majority when the other lot get in)

I laugh in the face of those people who have told me in the past that vote really counts and if you don't vote etc.. etc.. etc...

Well unfortunately that's never been the case for me.


Pre & Post..*Gullsworth*
Jul 26, 2004
By my reckoning you would have been about six years old last time the Tories were in power, so I'm guessing you aren't speaking from personal experience. Don't swallow all the Labour spin, life was actually a damn sight better under the Tories than you might think.

You are joking yes?.................interest rates at 16%......i lost my home and it cost me 10k (probably 30k in todays money). Now i know there are people who are suffering or have suffered more in todays climate but from my experience it was NOT a lot better under the Tories. In my view they were clueless then and have not learnt a lot since. As for Labour spin.........i think the Tories invented it and exploit it far more. Satcchi and Satcchi Posters ect ect......

mejonaNO12 aka riskit

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2003
I LOVE it when people on here get ridiculously argumentative over politics.

It makes them look like FOOLS.

Why argue? You're not going to change someones opinion by shouting them down or saying they have no clue. At the end of the day their vote counts for the EXACT same value as yours.

Uncle Spielberg

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2003
"Cameron looks f***ing ace in that poster. He must be absolutely over the Moon !. Thanks Labour " Quoted by Uncle i feel sorry for my self Spielberg.

He looks no different now than when he was a self seeking intern helping out Norman"PANDA"Lamont on the day Great Britain fell out of the ERM. This day saw interest rates zoom up to 17% at one point, an event a financial spiv such as yourself can surely never forget.

financial spiv :lolol:


Legal Alien
Jul 7, 2003
In my computer
Labour will never win the beauty competition with Brown at the helm, no charisma and Cameron is far easier on the eyes. THey should have know that.

If people are going to chose who they vote for based on a series of humerous posters, then heaven help us.

IF people vote.


Mar 13, 2008
I'm talking about the base rate, when did the government start setting mortgage rates ? It was just sensationalism on the part of simonsimon in the hope nobody would notice

Yes. That's right - he got it wrong by 2%. Real sensationalism!

Hunting 784561

New member
Jul 8, 2003
"Cameron looks f***ing ace in that poster. He must be absolutely over the Moon !. Thanks Labour " Quoted by Uncle i feel sorry for my self Spielberg.

He looks no different now than when he was a self seeking intern helping out Norman"PANDA"Lamont on the day Great Britain fell out of the ERM. This day saw interest rates zoom up to 17% at one point, an event a financial spiv such as yourself can surely never forget.

Calling a humble mortgage broker a 'financial spiv' shows complete clueless, chippy, left-wing stupidity.

People like you do more harm than good, mainly to your own side's interests.

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