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North stand standing what a joke


New member
Aug 8, 2011
Why don't people actually test out the resolve of the owners/PB on this issue, rather than come on here and rant.... at a home game (probably not Palace as that will be chaos no doubt) people could always go up and say to a Senior steward on arrival that they intend to stand all game and that they are not in the back 4 rows and if stewards don't like it, tell me to leave now. If they are told that if they stand they will be removed without warning then can have no-one else to blame if subsequently removed and excluded from stadium. The warning is not ambiguous, the club have said what 'their rules' are and not an issue for debate or much negotiation - well only with the back 4 NS rows at best - We are all adults here, none of us (including me as someone with a seat in the back 4) like rules especially ones we neither agree with or like (and where I also feel pretty badly misled from initial presentation) but here the issue is not an optional one, if told to sit and then ignore that then deserve to be removed. Personally I'd rather watch the game sitting than sat listening to it on radio as I was thrown out.


New member
Aug 8, 2011
I sit in the south stand and that was bollocks that the stewards didn't do anything about the coins I remember seeing two of the south home stewards going in to the away end talking to the away end supervisors and then saw the people who supposedly threw the coins leave with the supervisor and then not come back!
Being a steward is a thankless job and someone has to do it, yes there a few that are bellends but that's like everything in life! I for one am quite content with the ones we have in the south, all seem spot on!

Lol arse kisser ;)

Publius Ovidius

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
at home
This is rubbish. Does it say on the ticket that people will stand in front of you? Does the ticket office offer a warning? Dont make such sweeping assumptions. There are many casual watchers that may take a ticket in the north.

At the initial sale of sth presentations the club implied that there would be a relaxed attitude towards standing at the rear of the stand.

I think that pretty much covers it

At the initial sale of sth presentations the club implied that there would be a relaxed attitude towards standing at the rear of the stand.

I think that pretty much covers it

The thing is, or maybe isn't, would anyone who purchased back few rows of the North not have done so if the club had never implied this.


New member
Aug 8, 2011
At the initial sale of sth presentations the club implied that there would be a relaxed attitude towards standing at the rear of the stand.

I think that pretty much covers it
is this not the whole point of the dispute - the club 'implied' no doubt to encourage sales and many bought tickets on this basis - myself included, along with 3 friends - now the club have changed their stance it comes down to either us not renewing as we feel we've been misled or renewing but us accepting the rules are different now than 2 years ago and we have to live with it? I don't see the complexity here? It's a free world, no-one is forcing anyone to attend games/buy tickets under false pretenses any more.


Whitehawk Born and Bred
May 27, 2011
After reading all the posts there are some f***ing idiots on here! We are sat in the new N1G and I think the main issue is being lost on here! The problem today was the stewards, we had about 6 or 7 come in the stand after 10 minutes getting everyone to sit down. Now, most people obliged apart from the back few rows, then people started the stand up if you hate palace chant, these people were then spoken too and more for 'inciting' the crowd!

Thing that pissed a lot of us off is that the stewards were only there for the first few minutes? If I was thrown out I'd be royally pissed off as nearly the entirely stand was on their feet for the second half?

IF the club and the stewards want to keep doing this it should be consistent surely? Get the away fans to sit, get the home fans to sit and people may play nicely?

Yesterday was a joke, after they were waiting for a few people on the concourse and threw them out then they weren't bothered?

The argument here has been lost over these 15 or so pages, it shouldn't be us fans vs each other and the standers vs sitters, it should be the fans v the club! By all means police it correctly if you want the north stand to sit down, but if you are going to enforce this then do it properly, for 90 minutes and do it consistently!!

Most of us have stood nicely for two years, why today was it a problem??


New member
Oct 22, 2012
It's the 2nd season so any season ticket holders from last year had the chance to move, any new would have been told about it and any true Brighton fan wanting a ticket in north stand would know what it's like, there are no spare seats anywhere near where I sit so won't get casual people sitting there and that's a good thing that's why the atmosphere is good as we are all season ticket holders

Exactly. Plenty of opportunity to move seats to another part of the ground.
Plenty on here that do NOT even sit/stand in NS putting their two bobs worth in............ now those are the ones that should sit down and shut up imo.


New member
Dec 7, 2012
Sussex by the sea
I have a nice seat in WSU, and never have trouble with authority, but feel like writing to TB and Barber, to give another perspective.

Their weekly safety meeting with Hebberd no doubt follows his assertive agenda and propaganda.

I don't think Hebberd is the safety officer though?? Surely this has come through the safety officer and not Hebbard himself?


Active member
Feb 22, 2009
I asked a steward at half time what the ejection was for (as I saw the police march the guy out) and he stated it was for using foul and abusive language to a steward (not for standing). From what others have said this was not the case making me think that the stewards maybe concocting a story regarding his ejection. I saw what was happening from a few rows back and for what its worth had he complied he would not have been able to see anything as others were standing around him.

The stewards were too heavy handed imo (obviously making an example) and he should definitely appeal to the club


Jun 6, 2011
I asked a steward at half time what the ejection was for (as I saw the police march the guy out) and he stated it was for using foul and abusive language to a steward (not for standing). From what others have said this was not the case making me think that the stewards maybe concocting a story regarding his ejection. I saw what was happening from a few rows back and for what its worth had he complied he would not have been able to see anything as others were standing around him.

The stewards were too heavy handed imo (obviously making an example) and he should definitely appeal to the club

The problem is, most stewards don't concoct stories. People make stories up on here to suit their agenda, much in the same way bigbelly was found out to do.


Active member
Feb 22, 2009
The problem is, most stewards don't concoct stories. People make stories up on here to suit their agenda, much in the same way bigbelly was found out to do.

If those standing near to him say that he raised his voice and was not swearing then I'm inclined to believe what they say......the point is that he was ejected for "foul and abusive language" not persistent standing....if the steward I spoke to is to be believed.....and of course they would never tell a falsehood or bend the truth to suit......mmmmm

Feb 14, 2010
At say Spurs and Leeds the crowd stands up and sing and the press will wax lyrical about a wonderful atmosphere. At Brighton the fans stand up and sing but then have club employees telling them to sit down. When the club have eventually won their petty battle to throw teenagers out of the ground for singing then Poyet will come out and moan that the fans are not getting behind the team anymore. The absurdity of the club is quite funny really and of course they hide behind "elf & safety" because people died by being crushed by a fence at Hillsborough - but of course there are no fences at Brighton these days. If only there was someone with half a brain cell looking into this at the club then that person would look at Spurs and tell the Brighton stewards to just behave themselves and stop picking on kids in the North Stand.

How about a protest song.. "Hey Stewards, leave those kids alone" could be an idea.


Feb 5, 2012
Every steward at this club I would hope has been checked for previous criminal convictions , and if found to have be sacked with immediate effect. I bring this point up because I know for a fact that several have got criminal records ( no not a take that album ), and put it this way its not for shop lifting. Its a shame that the only thugs we see on a Saturday are the one wearing bright yellow bibs.


New member
Apr 13, 2011
OK Here goes...and at the risk of a ban. I sit immediately in front of the guy who was ejected and my monniker gives me away a little bit.

Slapdash stewarding with spurious communication. The area in question is a united group of fans who get on well and choose to stand for most (but not all) of the time and get behind the team. It is also self-regulating and I am convinced having stood with these guys for two years now that should another fan ask them politely to sit down in certain circumstances they would agree without hesitation. We really are a unit and I am delighted to have made new acquaintances over these two seasons. Directly in front of me are two very young lads that come with their father and we are all enjoying watching them grow up as supporters of the Albion. They love the fact that they are in an atmospheric area and the father has no quarrel with the odd bit of blue language. Frankly, I doubt the legitamacy of the claims by the stewards yesterday that they had received complaints from within the area itself.

As for the chronology and actions from yesterday. Well, the lad that was ejected. Very loud and opinionated but not agressive towards any particular steward. Unlike the lead steward that came to fish him out. That steward actually made a point of placing his face within centimetres of the fan's face as if to accentuate an aggressive posture. Is that what we need? I would be happy to face that steward down in an appeal forum. My guess is that forced to defend himself in an intellectual forum, he would dissolve.

Spurious and exaggerated reasons were being perpetuated by the stewards in general, knowing how flimsy their position was. You cannot evade earlier points made about the unity of that entire area shown when these events were happening with fans chanting in unison at the stewards. This pours scorn on the likelihood of numerous complaints received from within the area.

I actually feel a bit of a fraud myself and wish I had defended this guy more stoutly on the day. I like to lean back and perch myself on my seat which I did yesterday. But when the action was kicking off, I simply chose to avoid eye contact and play 'deaf'.

But if I and I am sure others are kicked out there is the real risk of a PR disaster for the club. Imagine the scene as Paul Barber issues his decree to you and you quote back."I really must apologise Mr Barber. April 1976, somewhere between 1200-1300 football matches, 77 of the current 92 grounds with the Albion and there at every step of the way along the battle with Belloti and Archer. I have not done my bit and now I stand just a little bit too much. I bow to your unerring sense of right and wrong and unfailing loyalty to the law of the land which should never be questioned.

But I return to my point about self-regulation. I wonder if a fans arbitration committee might be a good idea? Members should run for election and when disputes occur they should rule or at the very least pass advisory notices to the board of the club. This should not be run by the official supporters club as they are too often seen as too close to the club. It should be utterly independent.

If I am wrong and there have been some complainants in amongst that area, then guys pop down and have a chat. We can go for a beer in the concourse and see if we can sort it out amongst ourselves and with the club.

dave hylands

Active member
Feb 13, 2009
If those standing near to him say that he raised his voice and was not swearing then I'm inclined to believe what they say......the point is that he was ejected for "foul and abusive language" not persistent standing....if the steward I spoke to is to be believed.....and of course they would never tell a falsehood or bend the truth to suit......mmmmm

I started this thread yesterday at half time as I was really pissed of at the actions of the stewards, if asked to sit then being out of the 4 rows then yes he should of sat, BUT the heavy handed pointless making example of someone, and for the fan who has been coming for two years in the same seat causing no trouble not even to be given a warning, to be treated in such away, most of the north expressed how they felt by the chants aimed at the stewards.
I don't normally post on hear but have been going to Brighton games since 79 and have never seen any thing like that it really was out of order, I heard what the man was saying and not once did he swear.
The club really need to get a grip of what is going on.
The north do stand but not all the time only the back few rows, it does pretty much police it's self, if there is not much going on people sit and when we attack people stand its the same all round the ground. But like I say it does police it's self, if asked to sit I would until the action picked up.

Totally to heavy handed at which we should al contact the club and get this sorted once and for ALL

les dynam

New member
Oct 10, 2008
Why are the club attempting to ruin the atmosphere at the Amex? In Gus' programme notes yesterday he spoke about the importance of the fans backing the team. Yet the club (whoever at the club is in charge of such things... is it still Richard Hebbard?) seem weirdly fixated on what they perceive to be some sort of law & order issue in the North Stand which in turn is killing (killed, it's been pretty flat all season) the atmosphere. Let's be honest, the North is a fairly friendly & benign stand full of people who are prepared to put in a shift to help support their team, drink a few beers, then go home. Yet the amount of stewards employed to meddle with people (the club's loyal 'customers', don't forget) is extraordinary.

I sometimes go in the North, sometimes the West Upper, and yesterday i was in the West Upper where you can see the full extent of the overblown level of stewarding. There were loads of groups of 5 or so stewards moving around the stand all over the place. I wasn't in the North so i can't comment on what they were doing, but we know what they were doing from the other posts on here. However what is clear from the West Upper was the complete and utter lack of atmosphere yesterday as the stewards starting bothering people and getting involved. Any noise or atmosphere just vanished away. The level of stewarding at The Amex is really questionable ordinarily, but yesterday was beyond strange. Do we outsource the stewarding to a firm or something, does anybody know how the stewarding and stewarding contracts etc work?

And to the people on here saying 'well it's an all seater stadium so you should sit down' i really wish you would spend some time attending games in other stadiums around the country - or perhaps even pay closer attention when watching Match of The Day or live games on Sky. EVERY large ground has a large home section where people are allowed, or even encouraged in some cases, to stand and sing and support their team. Why? Because this is the sensible, and safe, solution. The standers can all stand together which helps generate the special atmospheres that are so intrinsic to the appeal of going to the footie. The stewards don't have to get involved with petty battles with people who are just trying to back the team, allowing them to concentrate on any genuine problems (like homophobic abuse from the away section, for example). And the people who don't wish to stand can be sure in the knowledge that the rest of the ground will be fully seated at all times. Check out the spurs v arsenal game later if you don't believe me. To my knowledge no club has been punished for allowing these standing areas. Yet every large club has them, and are relaxed about them.

Why are the club doing this then? It doesn't make any sense. At the Arsenal game it was standing all game - which didn't result in riots or aggro breaking out across the North. However the atmosphere was superb and the team really responded.

Perhaps Barber might be an ally in this... after all he was in charge at Spurs, who have a huge standing area. So perhaps his views aren't so draconian and paranoid as the views of whoever is in charge of the stewards. Barber says he wants a loud and atmospheric Amex. But the actions of the stewards are now actively preventing this from happening. If the Albion are trying to create a sterile hushed rugby-style atmosphere where people just in silence and watch the game that's up to them. But perhaps have the honesty to actually state this when selling season tickets and match tickets.

Billy the Fish

Oct 18, 2005
Haywards Heath
Stewards were definitely on a mission yesterday.

They were noticably more aggressive towards people, yesterday wasn't the friendly atmosphere of the 1st season. Why is there a group of 20 stewards standing in the North West corner staring at people for the whole game? That was actually making me feel a bit uncomfortable.

Something is going drastically wrong, we seem to be turning from fans/customers into the enemy. Again the main instigators seemed to be Christmas pudding steward and his grey beard mate with the glasses.

This militant attitude must be filtering down from somewhere, does anyone know what's changed? New supervisors or just a few bad eggs perhaps?

Billy the Fish

Oct 18, 2005
Haywards Heath
The thing that REALLY gets me is how intolerant the "obey the ground regs" tossers are, The choice of standing by fans has NO IMPACT on their enjoyment of the game but they have to keep trotting out the same sad trite line.
I choose to SIT in the WSU to ensure my 7 y.o. grandson gets a good view but appreciate and cherish the fact others prefer to stand,they should be allowed that choice

Best post of thread.

There are some utterly ignorant people hiding behind "the law" :facepalm:

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