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Le Havre v Brighton - NSC Official Thread

Scotty Mac

New member
Jul 13, 2003

Scotty Mac

New member
Jul 13, 2003
Freddo said:
so i take it that it started at 5?:down:

i think so. well, it was 6pm french time, whatever that means:dunce:

Stevie Boy

Well-known member
Nov 2, 2004


Monkey in a seagull suit.
Apr 24, 2004
Way out west
So, we have been narrowly (2-0) beaten by a team who are capable of beating teams in the French first division, where is the shame in that, quick reality check - we are in the third tier of English football.

And we were playing a back 4 that had never played together before, against a battle-hardened team whose league campaign kicks off next game.

There is just one issue I'm holding my breath about now and waiting for eye-witness reports on - how well did Bakayoko play, was he good enough against this kind of level of opposition for us to sign him?


Well-known member
Jul 4, 2003
London Irish said:
There is just one issue I'm holding my breath about now and waiting for eye-witness reports on - how well did Bakayoko play, was he good enough against this kind of level of opposition for us to sign him?
Would be a bit unfair to judge him on the games so far because we've only played pub teams and one team that is very much better than us, he's not been tested against anywhere near anything that's L1 standard yet and until we play someone of that standard we just won't know but at the end of the day he's 19 and has played better than most of our squad from what I've heard of pre-season and we are looking for a left back so I would say this one would actually be a worthy gamble... But back to today, apparently no-one played well apart from Kuipers according to the texts I was recieving during the match.

Basil Fawlty

Don't Mention The War
Trigger said:
Would be a bit unfair to judge him on the games so far because we've only played pub teams and one team that is very much better than us, he's not been tested against anywhere near anything that's L1 standard yet and until we play someone of that standard we just won't know but at the end of the day he's 19 and has played better than most of our squad from what I've heard of pre-season and we are looking for a left back so I would say this one would actually be a worthy gamble... But back to today, apparently no-one played well apart from Kuipers according to the texts I was recieving during the match.

From what I've seen of Bagayoko playing for PSG, he looked strong and very quick down the flanks, he can tackle very well and is a good passer of the ball. We must sign this player, because its not everyday we can sign a PSG player who is only 19 years old.

Trigger said:
But back to today, apparently no-one played well apart from Kuipers according to the texts I was recieving during the match.
Well if you are implying from that info that Bakayoko didn't play well, that's a problem for a player we have to make up our minds on PDQ, is it not?

Basil Fawlty

Don't Mention The War
HAC - Brighton HAFC (GB): 2 - 0
21 juillet 2006

Une promenade de santé

Les Ciel et Marine n’ont connu aucun problème face à l’équipe de Brighton. Dominés techniquement de la tête et des épaules, les Anglais ont passé le plus clair de leur temps à courir après un ballon parfaitement maîtrisé par des Havrais prêts pour le début du championnat le 28 juillet Prochain.

Pour son sixième match amical, le HAC joue ce vendredi soir contre Brighton. Ce club ami d’outre-manche est descendu cette saison en troisième division anglaise. Malgré cela, le HAC devra batailler ferme pour remporter un nouveau succès car jouer un club anglais n’est jamais chose aisée.

Le match démarre sur un bon rythme. Pas de round d’observation. Les deux équipes se livrent à fond. D’une occasion anglaise, le répond du tac au tac. Les Anglais comme à leur habitude lancent le défi physique auquel répond des havrais par une aisance technique supérieure. Le premier but arrive tôt dans la rencontre puisque à la 16’, idéalement servi par Baca, Alla trompe Wayne Henderson d’un extérieur du pied gauche.

Les Anglais tentent de répliquer rapidement mais Mandanda veille au grain. Au fil des minutes, les Ciel et Marine prennent le match à leur compte. Lesage, Hoarau ont tour à tour la possibilité d’aggraver la marque. En vain ! Les minutes passent, le HAC poursuit sa nette domination mais les occasions se font plus rares. Un coup-franc de Lesage bien parti mais détourné par le mur anglais est le seul fait marquant de cette fin de première période.

Les HACMEN donnent le tournis à la leurs adversaires. Les coéquipiers de Jean-Michel Lesage font parfaitement bien tourner le ballon. Brighton n’a d’autre solution de courir après. La deuxième période risque d’être dur physiquement pour nos amis anglais bien que leur banc de touche soit particulièrement fourni.

La deuxième mi-temps reprend avec une configuration de jeu similaire. A savoir, des Ciel et Marine nettement au-dessus techniquement. Malgré tout, les Normands éprouvent de plus en plus de difficulté à s’approcher du but adverse. A la 65’, Thierry Uvenard procède à trois changements. Gauvin, Traoré et Martot vont apporter du sang frais.

Cinq minutes plus tard, les Ciel et Marine se procurent une énorme occasion. Débordement de Davidas et petit centre en retrait pour Traoré qui veut trop assurer en tirant plein centre. Le portier anglais est sur la trajectoire. Le HAC a toujours la main mise sur le match. Ce n’est que partie remise puisque à la 75’, Sur un centre venu cette fois de la droite, Traoré dos au but, se retourne, fait une première feinte de tir. Le gardien se couche et Kandia d’un tir placé met le ballon au fond des filets.

(2-0), cela reflète mieux la physionomie de la rencontre. A la 80’ Traoré a la possibilité d’inscrire un doublé sur une série de gestes techniques de grandes classes mais Henderson s’interpose in-extrémis.

Ce match amical est le dernier pour le HAC. Dans une semaine, les choses sérieuses vont commencer. Sur ce qu’ont maontré les Ciel et Marine, tous les espoirs sont permis.


Feuille de match
Le Havre A.C. - Brighton HAFC : 2 - 0 (mt 1-0)
Stade Jules Deschaseaux
Vendredi 21 juillet 2006
1700 spectateurs environ
Temps : chaud
Arbitre : monsieur Avogadro assisté de messieurs Savanech et Madec

Composition des équipes:
HAC : Mandanda – Baca – Bedimo – Seck – Ducrocq – Kharbouchi (Martot 65’) – Anin – Devaux (Gauvin 65’) – Alla (Davidas 46’) – Hoarau (Traoré 65’) – Lesage
Entraîneur : Thierry Uvenard
Remplaçants : Gauvin – Martot – Davidas – Traoré - Blondel
Brighton HAFC : Henderson – Reid – Bakayoko – Elphick – El Abd – Hammond – Cox – Carpenter – Robinson – Kazim-Richards – Frutos
Remplaçants : Gatting – Kuipers – Breach – Marum – Williams – Rents – Loft - Martin

Buts pour le HAC : Alla 16’ – Traoré 75’

If anyone understands french, here is the match report.

Silent Bob

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Dec 6, 2004
brightonfan_86 said:
From what I've seen of Bagayoko playing for PSG, he looked strong and very quick down the flanks, he can tackle very well and is a good passer of the ball. We must sign this player, because its not everyday we can sign a PSG player who is only 19 years old.
He never played a game for PSG. Unless yhou have seen him for their youth team which plays in the CFA (the fourth division in France).

Mighty babelfish gives us:

HAC - Brighton HAFC (GB): 2 - 0 July 21, 2006 A walk of health The Sky and Navy did not know any problem vis-a-vis with the team of Brighton. Dominated technically of the head and the shoulders, the English passed most clearly from their time to run after a balloon controlled perfectly by Native of Le Havre ready for the beginning of the championship on July 28 Prochain. For its sixth friendly match, the HAC plays this Friday evening against Brighton. This friendly club of on the other side of the channel is descended this season in the third English division. In spite of that, the HAC will have to battle firm to gain a new success because to play an English club is never easy matter to achieve. The match starts on a good rate/rhythm. No the round of observation. The two teams deliver à.fond. Of an English occasion, answers it of TAC TAC. The English as to their practice launch the physical challenge to which answer of the native of Le Havre by a higher technical ease. The first goal arrives early in the meeting since with the 16', ideally been useful by Baca, Alla horn Wayne Henderson of an outside of the left foot. The English try to retort quickly but Mandanda takes care of the grain. With the wire of the minutes, the Sky and Navy accept responsibility for the match. Lesage, Hoarau have in turn the possibility of worsening the mark. In vain! The minutes pass, the HAC continues its clear domination but the occasions are done rarer. A blow-frank of Lesage well party but diverted by the English wall is the only fact marking of this end of first period. The HACMEN give the tournis to the their adversaries. The fellow-members of Jean-Michel Lesage make perfectly well turn the balloon. Brighton does not have of another solution to run afterwards. The second period is physically likely to be hard for our English friends although their bench of key is particularly provided. The second half-time begins again with a similar configuration of play. To know, of the Sky and Marine clearly above technically. Despite everything, the Norman ones test more and more difficulty of approaching the unfavourable goal. With the 65', Thierry Uvenard carries out three changes. Gauvin, Traoré and Martot will bring fresh blood. Five minutes later, the Sky and Navy get an enormous occasion. Overflow of Davidas and small center in withdrawal for Traoré which wants to ensure too much by drawing full center. The English gatekeeper is on the trajectory. The HAC always has the hand put on the match. It only did not leave given since to the 75', On a center come this time from the right-hand side, Traoré back with the goal, is turned over, makes a first pretence of shooting. The guard lies down and Kandia of a shooting placed puts the balloon at the bottom of the nets. (2-0), that reflects the aspect of the meeting better. With the 80' Traoré has the possibility of registering one doubled on a series of technical epic of great classes but Henderson interposes in-extrémis. This friendly match is the last for the HAC. In one week, the serious things will start. On what the Sky and Navy maontré, all the hopes are allowed. Pascal LECLERC Break into leaf of match Le Havre A.C. - Brighton HAFC: 2 - 0 (MT 1-0) Stage Jules Deschaseaux Friday July 21 2006 1700 spectators approximately Time: heat Referee: Mr Avogadro assisted Messrs Savanech and Madec Composition of the teams: HAC: Mandanda - Baca - Bedimo - Seck - Ducrocq - Kharbouchi (Martot 65 ') - Anin - Devaux (Gauvin 65 ') - Went (Davidas 46 ') - Hoarau (Traoré 65 ') - Lesage Entraîneur: Thierry Uvenard Substitutes: Gauvin - Martot - Davidas - Traoré - Blondel Brighton HAFC: Henderson - Reid - Bakayoko - Elphick - El Abd - Hammond - Cox - Carpenter - Robinson - Kazim-Richards - Frutos Substitutes: Gatting - Kuipers - Breach - Marum - Williams - Rents - Loft - Martin Goals for the HAC: 16' went - Traoré 75'


Well-known member
Jul 4, 2003
London Irish said:
Well if you are implying from that info that Bakayoko didn't play well, that's a problem for a player we have to make up our minds on PDQ, is it not?
Not really, if Le Havre were English they would certainly be higher up the league structure than L1... I'm not saying rush and sign him, I'm saying keep hold of him for the Colchester game as they will be more like what he is going to be playing against next season but if a decision needs to be made by then in my opinion it's a worthy gamble and one I would not fault McGhee for... But like I say, that's just my opinion.
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