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Isn't it time for action in Lewes ?.

Garry Nelson's Left Foot

Well-known member
Jul 7, 2003
A favourite passtime of mine during the A-c.unt and B-c.unt years was too send off for a lot of free 'trial' stuff under the name's and addresses of the aforementioned SCUM. Childish, maybe, but it couldn't have been fun having to deal with a daily stream of penis enlargement pumps, granny sex subscriptions, music club trials etc etc. Why don't we do something similar to LDC? There's always stuff being advertised in the back of magazines and newspapers. Send them to DeVechi's house, the LDC offices and the home's of all the other trouble-making fascists.*

*if this is deemed as harrasment, then, obviously, I in no way endorse this course of action.:)

The Oldman

I like the Hat
NSC Patron
Jul 12, 2003
In the shadow of Seaford Head
Brovian said:
To be honest I think all placard-waving, leaflet-handing, petition-signing protests are a waste of time. LDC have proved they're immune to them.

What's their weakness? For me it's money. They've gone on record as saying that the Judicial Review will 'only' cost £x (can't remember the figure off-hand). What we've got to get them to do is spend at least that much before they even get to Court - the sooner the better.

So, what can we do that will cost them money and use up their contingency budgets? Bricking the windows of the council offices is of course one option but I'd prefer to stay within the law. On another thread I've mentioned the costs of policing the council meetings, especially if they're scared they might get attacked. Are those charged to the Council? Can we get them to run up a maasive bill and then go public with it? Surely they can't be surprised if they have to pay for things like that: "Oh, we never thought the Brighton fans would protest at our anti-democratic stance! We thought they'd just take it lying down."

What else can we do that will cost them money but won't alienate the people of Lewes?

Problem is "costing them money" means in the end higher council taxes so Lewes District Council Taxpayers will not be happy


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2003
It's not about what the Albion fans do themselves, it's about getting LDC to see the measure is unpopular with the people they represent, and a waste of their money.

They have a problem if costs exceed the amount they've already allotted - whether to press on and incur more cost or whether to withdraw and take the flak for wasting thousands of taxpayers money.

They will stop if the costs prove too high or if the LDC residents are opposed to the appeal, or a mixture of both.

Either way, the voters of LDC must be made more aware of the actions their representatives have taken.


Active member
Jan 30, 2006
This, or a version of it, sent to:

Richard Caborn MP,
Ming Campbell MP
John Prescott MP
John Whittingdale MP (chair of sport select committee)
Brian Barwick - CEO FA
David Davies - Executive Director FA

Dear Sir,

I write to you following the news today that the proposed community stadium for Brighton and Hove Albion will be delayed by a further year due to the actions of Lewes District Council. As you will be well aware your colleague, John Prescott, approved the commencement of this project in October 2005 following a lengthy and rigorous enquiry process.

That Lewes District Council can use public funds in such an arbitrary way, and subject to their own individual agendas, is a travesty; a travesty that is compounded by the fact that the majority of residents of Lewes support the stadium project. I have no doubt that the ultimate sanction that the voter possesses will be applied at the forthcoming local elections. In the meantime, each year of delay (and we are seven years into the process) costs the club an estimated £2.5M and it is no exaggeration to say that the council is attempting to strangle the life out of the football club.

I would urge you to write to the newly-elected leader of the Liberal Democrats, Sir Menzies Campbell, enquiring how his party is able to support such cavalier use of taxpayers’ money, and justify a local authority maintaining an agenda that runs so contrary to the wishes of its residents.

Yours Faithfully,


The Glory Game
Jul 9, 2003
High up on the South Downs.
I'm all for this and will travel back to my native county for the demonstration. It's a pity we weren't talking like this months ago. Lewes DC have had it far too easy all the way through.


New member
Oct 25, 2004
Like everyone else I was shocked at seeing the Argus today and will support anything (legal) to try and get Falmer, but are we going about it in the right way, I am not sure. Basically I understand it, there will be a JR, that will go to a judge and he/she will decide whether there is a case to answer for. So LDC have already done this, so how can this help ?, the deed has been done, although I like the idea of revenge ???

I like the idea of somehow involving all of Sussex Sport in this, just to show the nation and the Goverment that we are fighting for all of sussex sport.

Please dont get me wrong, I hate LDC with a passion, but not sure if marching through Lewes is a good idea.


New member
Dec 31, 2004
It is worth pointing out to senior LIBDEM
politicians the effects of gross mismanagement in Natural Tory Area's.

Worthing Town Council is a Classic Case,
where arrogance and mismanagement turned a healthy Libdem majority into a natural Tory landslide, with no hope of a LibDem revival for decades.


:smokin: :smokin: :smokin:

Mr Burns

New member
Aug 25, 2003
I THINK WE SHOULD ALL.....................

Build a Bonfire
Build a Bonfire
Stick Fat Baker on the top
Put De Vecchi in the middle
And then burn the f***ing lot.........


Build a Bonfire
Build a Bonfire
Put The Lib Dems on the top
Put that fat, ugly, detestable, two-faced xxxx, shitheaded, piss poor excuse of an MP Norman Baker in the middle,
And then burn the f***ing lot.

I think the first one rolls on the tongue better, but their both singable and easy to remember :D

Jim in the West

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Sep 13, 2003
Way out West
Just got back from a couple of days abroad.....some great ideas in response to another sickening piece of news. However, given the lack of date for the JR, and the fact that we're virtually 6 months on from the ODPM's positive decision, I suppose the news is hardly surprising. My take on this is that letters MUST continue to be sent. I seem to have spent far too much time writing to all sorts over the past few months. Apart from some lengthy correspondence with the Chief Exec of LDC, I've also written a number of letters to Don Foster, who is LibDem spokesman on Sport, and last week I wrote to the District Auditor. For info, the last was:

Dear Mr Wells,

Lewes DC – Action re Falmer Stadium

We corresponded briefly on the above matter before Christmas, and you sent me a letter outlining your views (for which many thanks). At the time you stated that you were satisfied that there were no matters which needed to be considered further. You also stated that you would continue to monitor developments.

Although I obviously do not live within Lewes District Council, I have been corresponding with various members of the Council (including the Chief Executive) to try to obtain clarification regarding a number of key issues, and I have been fortunate enough to receive responses from the officials concerned. However, these responses are frustratingly short on detail, to the point where they appear (to me) to be evasive.

I have three key issues:

1. It has been estimated by some that the costs of the Judicial Review into the
ODPM's decision relating to Falmer could reach £250,000. What contingencies have been put in place by Lewes District Council to fund such costs?

2. How will the council seek to ensure that it's costs are limited to £25,000,
regardless of the outcome of the Judicial Review? Will the council withdraw
from the process if it appears as if the costs are likely to exceed £25,000?

3. The Council has named both Brighton & Hove Albion FC and Brighton & Hove City Council as defendants. The football club (and possibly the City Council) not unnaturally wish to defend themselves. LDC may have made an error in naming the club and B&HCC as defendants, but having done so cannot (as far as I am aware) escape the potential liability for costs simply by saying that the other parties don't need to defend themselves. Given the fact that B&HA FC has estimated its costs in the region of £90,000, I would expect LDC to have taken this into consideration in estimating it's potential liability. Can you confirm whether this is indeed the case? And if so, whether LDC now expects it’s potential liability to exceed £25,000 should it lose?
I have been told by LDC that (by the Chief Executive, in fact) Court rules “require the….applicant to be named in the claim that is submitted to the High Court. This does not mean that they have to appear as defendants.” As far as I am aware, this is correct. However, Lewes District Council has NOT simply named Brighton & Hove Albion as applicants – it has named them as defendants. This means that the club has no choice (given the criticality of Falmer to it’s future) but to defend itself. I am 100% sure that if the boot was on the other foot, LDC would feel it had no option but to defend itself.

The club has estimated its costs at £90,000. This estimate was made AFTER Lewes District Council made it’s original estimates of it’s maximum exposure. Logically, therefore, one would expect LDC to have revisited their calculations and re-assesses its exposure. However, in my correspondence with LDC I have been unable to ascertain whether LDC has made any further consideration of the potential exposure, as unfortunately my questions on this matter have been avoided.

You state in your letter that one of your objectives is to “review whether the Council has made proper arrangements for securing economy, efficiency and effectiveness in the use of its resources.” The position with Lewes District Council is that it has made a decision based on an estimate that its maximum financial exposure is £25,000. However, in making that decision it has not properly assessed the risk that the potential exposure could be several times this amount.

I should be grateful if you could consider this issue within your on-going monitoring of developments. Naturally I am more than happy to share with you my correspondence with Lewes District Council, should this be necessary.

Mellor 3 Ward 4

Well-known member
Jul 27, 2004
saaf of the water

Firstly I believe that the Falmer for All Team should be consulted on this - I know Tim and Paul read NSC so what are their thoughts?

I believe we should be guided by their words - after all they have organised 2 very succesful marches on the seafront.

IMO the club / FFA, through the website / programme etc MUST urge all fans to write to Mings Campbell to protest about the actions of a handful of people who are quite clearly hell bent on destroying our club.

Remember it was Baker who said he would rather the club die than play at Falmer. He was also the person who said he would abide by Prescotts decision. - I guess that was only if the decision went their way.

So lets start (Quickly) a campaign to get all Brighton Fans to email the new leader of the LibDems.

Perhaps half a doven different 'standard' emails could be drafted which we could all doctor and send off.

I'm up for any Direct Action that may be decided but what will influence them? Cost - perhaps if more and more Council Tax payers complained but I think we're past that.

Personally I'm happen to go as far as nessessary but I think that we should be guided by those who have got us so far (FFA).

We need something that makes the News on a National Basis - - but this has to be something which shames the Lib Dems as a party. I think they are coming to town but not till September - perhaps we should tell them that they won't be welcome in the City if this action goes ahead.

Barry Izbak

Dec 7, 2005
Lancing By Sea
I've sent this to everyone in the Lib Dem shadow shadow cabinet

No doubt you will have heard of the embarrassment being caused to Liberal Democrats in Sussex once again with reference to the plans of Brighton football club and I am writing to ask you to intervene.

Many local Lib Dem constituencies are still feeling the adverse effect of the Bellotti era and have worked tirelessly to overcome the bad publicity he caused throughout the county in the late 1990s.

Now I fear that Baker and his Lewes constituency, especially the council leader have stoked up all this anti party feeling again and serious repercussions are being talked about.

I would earnestly ask you to intervene in whatever way is appropriate to avoid further bad publicity



I'm sick of these fecking wankers and its time we stopped the nicely nicely bollocks and hit em fecking hard. Count me in

Collar Feeler

No longer feeling collars
Jul 26, 2003
Any form of protest should be kept simple I reckon. A minimum of 500+ fans in Lewes Town centre on any particular day would grind it to a halt. Ample newsworthy coverage there methinks and maximum media publicity is key since we want to show LDC for what they are!

Alternatively if you want to demonstrate across LDCs jurisdiction then pick the ten biggest towns in their area and hold simultaneous demos at each place on the same day.

Just a couple of ideas.
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Mellor 3 Ward 4

Well-known member
Jul 27, 2004
saaf of the water
But what to do that will cause embarassment to the LibDems on a local or better still National scale?

they seemed to have got through the rent boy and alco Kennedy things relativley unscathed .

I am ready and up for anything - say the word. I have had enough of these idiots.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2004
I live in Lewes and would support any kind of mass demonstration against LDC.


Barry Izbak

Dec 7, 2005
Lancing By Sea
I've been to Fort Bragg ! Its... ordinary

Seems the next small LDC mtg is 30th March time unknown and a bigger one on 10th May

attila said:
That's easy for you to say.

XooX said:
Alternatively if you want to demonstrate across LDCs jurisdiction then pick the ten biggest towns in their area and hold simultaneous demos at each place on the same day.
Are you after some overtime?

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Jim in the West

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Sep 13, 2003
Way out West
Barry Hazgon said:
I've been to Fort Bragg ! Its... ordinary

Seems the next small LDC mtg is 30th March time unknown and a bigger one on 10th May

According to the LDC newsletter, the next Cabinet meeting is 30th March, but it's in Seaford, which is probably not the ideal venue for a protest. The next meeting in Lewes isn't untol 30th June. The advantage of Cabinet meetings is that up to 30 mins is allowed for questions from the public. Lord B will know the full score.

There is an Audit Committee meeting on 20th March in Lewes, but I don't think this is open to the public, and I wouldn't have though the full council would be there anyway. It MAY be possible, if enough people write to the the right people (and I'm not entirely sure who they are - again, Lord B will have to advise) to get the Council's JR decision to be on the agenda for that meeting.

The problem with protests at meetings is that LDC obviously always meet on a weekday when most folk are at work.....for a decent protest involving at least 1,000 you will need a Saturday, methinks.

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